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Comment Re:Most people are idiots (Score 1) 311

Agreed, most people are idiots and/or under informed.
Uber or Lyft I think you could get support for being non tech companies and personally I could probably be convinced on Facebook as a company which only utilizes technology and the Internet for business. Suggesting that Google and similar companies are not tech companies however is a bit of an overreach. Intel is indeed a tech company since they physically make it, but this is only 1 of the definitions of the word technology. (Let's not forget that Google isn't just a search engine or research company, they actually invent real things too) It would be like saying most mobile phone companies are not tech companies because Foxconn actually builds them. Having and applying the knowledge is just as much tech as the physical chips themselves; or would you prefer hardware without software?

Comment Re:Firewall everything (Score 4, Insightful) 98

While a phone is indeed a locating device in order to function there is an extremely large difference between your cellphone company being able to locate you at a single moment in time should the need arise and "some company" storing everyone's location over time in order to build trend information and knowledge about you, your home, behaviour, family/friends, place of work, etc. A single point in time tells you nothing, even between 1-4am there is no guarantee on that day of that year you were asleep much less that you were at home, but tracking people over time does just this and is indeed frightening and literally defines digital stalking.

Comment Brand New Information... (Score 1) 247

This didn't need a study, a little common sense would have sufficed. Students who aren't invested in their own learning/future -distracted, disinterested or otherwise- will obviously not score well when tested on the material. Don't blame the laptops, blame the kids without focus dedication or self control.

Comment Every Patent is Expressed Through Language (Score 1, Interesting) 294

By extension, nothing can be patented. Any idea or concept which is currently patented is expressed through language. I agree that the code itself should not be patented as it is indeed a form of language, but the implementation or methodology by which an application achieves an end result is the true value that needs to be protected; not the package it comes in. All that being said, I'm definitely in favour of open source happy-happy code sharing instead of patents and copyrights.

Comment Re: No. (Score 1) 303

Exactly right, not to mention a large portion of the code from SO was copied from somewhere else to start with. Simply find your answer there, spend 2 seconds looking for the same answer somewhere else and copy that instead. Assuming anyone is paranoid enough to think there will be any consequence for a breach that can't possibly be monitored.

Submission + - Good Cryptography Hygiene And Your Code's Success

mikeatTB writes: Cryptography is where information security lurches from the Hollywood image of spies and hackers and gets all boring and scientific. Still, plenty of developers would prefer to move cryptography concerns to the bottom of their priority list. One of the fathers of modern cryptography, Adi Shamir, recently said (and has been saying for years) that computer security isn't a solvable problem. Ignore that. Good crypto hygiene is important to your code's success. Fortunately, even if the algorithms are complex, the rules for implementation are simple. Angela Gunn shares three implementation rules to help developers.

Submission + - Windows 10 to Force Updates on Home and Pro Users 3

BronsCon writes: It seems as though Windows 10, the long-awaited Microsoft operating system, will not allow "Home" users to determine which updates to install and will, at best, allow "Pro" users to defer installation of updates, only allowing corporate licenses the right to decide which updates to allow on their systems. With their history of bad patches, does anyone think this is actually a good idea?

Submission + - Inside the Google Green Datacenter Machine Learning Approach (

An anonymous reader writes: About a year ago, search engine giant Google put out a whitepaper about how it was using machine learning to increase the efficiency of its datacenters, and now, executives at the company tell The Platform that the system is being put into production. What Google did not say a year ago, and which makes the machine learning effort all the more important, is that the company’s efforts to boost the power usage effectiveness, or PUE, had hit a wall and that the side work of an intrepid engineer got the efficiency improvements moving in the right direction again. During a recent visit to the Googleplex....

Submission + - Largest Star Cluster In Milky Way May House Undiscovered Supernovae

StartsWithABang writes: Wherever large, dense collections of cool gas gather together under the force of their own gravity, new stars are bound to form. Every galaxy goes through peaks and lulls in star formation, yet at any given time, one star cluster will always be the largest and most massive. Discovered only in the 1960s due to its location in the galactic plane, Westerlund 2 holds that distinction, as far as we know. Recently imaged in great detail by the Hubble Space Telescope for its 25th anniversary, a huge slew of interesting features abound, including some of the hottest, youngest stars known and ridges, pillars and valleys formed by the UV radiation. Most interestingly, it may yet turn out to be the location of the next supernova visible from Earth within our galaxy.

Submission + - No, you can't use Wi-Fi to power your phone. Do the math! (

richi writes: Did you see the headlines squawking about how Wi-Fi will charge your smartphone in the future?

Bunkum, I say. Each time the story gets repeated, it loses a little more veracity. So I aimed my Computerworld curation cannon at this.

Researchers have improved the ability to capture power from radio waves. By tweaking some standard Wi-Fi hardware, they've increased the amount of power that can be leeched from unused transmissions. It could help power IoT sensors.

But wait — don't believe everything you read on the interwebs, kids. Predictably, some science-illiterate journalists and bloggers are saying it can actually charge your smartphone. Sadly, the researchers only achieved power levels of a few microWatts — that's about 100,000 times too small to run your phone, let alone charge it.

Comment Re:Not inherently unreasonable (Score 1) 165

This kind of legislation would apply even if nobody died in the carrying out of the activity.

And there's nothing wrong with punishment without someone dying. If someone destroyed your car (physically or digitally) there is harm done to your wallet regardless. Of course as has been said repeatedly it is not yours nor my wallet/life/<important thing here> this is aimed at protecting.

Comment Re:Nobody kills Java (Score 1) 371

I can say for a fact that you've got a 50/50 chance

I don't mean to be picky, but this statement deviates as far as you can from instilling confidence or stating a fact. This equates to "definitely might", "100% maybe", "completely possible" or <insert your favourite overly supported flip-flop statement here>. While I certainly don't doubt COBOLs use in the banking system; unsubstantiated 'facts' are merely opinions. Java is embedded in everything these days and large companies hate change. While its evolution will probably cease to exist in the near future, Java isn't going anywhere.

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