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Comment Re:Key Feature... (Score 1) 176

That's only if you shut your kid in a dark room. *shudder* My parents left the hall light on with my/my brother's doors open; since we weren't trapped in the dark, we felt safe enough to relax in bed. After they went to bed several hours later, they usually turned the hall light off and put a strong night-light on in the hall bathroom to add to the ones we had in our bedrooms. As pre-teens, we each lost our fear of the dark, gained an interest in privacy (or reading under the covers)and thus began closing our doors on our own.

FWIW,I did/do have a serious sleep disorder from a brain abnormality -- I naturally "sleep" at a light doze for 4-5 hours, and wake up whenever my body wants to move. As a kid, being able to see the light helped me feel safe enough to relax in bed with my eyes closed when awake; I eventually also was given a clock-radio tuned to a local classical station I could listen to softly, then was taught to enjoy the time by imagining a dream. As an adult, I take medication (gabapentin), though I know parents of kids with the same condition that swear by giving the child a melatonin supplement before bed.

Comment Re:As one-way as X10 (Score 1) 176

Or just put a lamp near the computer, so you can have enough light to work comfortably there without affecting the TV or anyone sitting nearby watching it. At least, that's what my family did with our new L-shaped living room when Iwas a teen in the early 90s; whoever wanted to use the desk turned its little lamp (maybe 450 lumens) on when they got there and off when they left.

Comment Re:What do the cartridges cost? (Score 1) 400

The cartridges for Canon printers are designed so their chips are very easily reset by rebooting the printer while holding down certain buttons, thankfully. They reportedly don't use DRMon their chips to interfere with third-party companies, so the third-party prices aren't artificially high-priced. My last set of cartridges (12ml for each CMYK color separately, 12ml graphics black + 19ml text black) cost me a grand total of $8 with free shipping from a company offering a full-refund satisfaction guarantee, and the ink was actually a bit nicer than the OEMstuff the printer came with.

There's also the option of using a continuous ink system, which brings ink prices down dramatically. Idon't own one (my printer isn't shaped quite right for it)but since they're available on consumer models, I'm aiming for it with my next one.

Comment Re:Options (Score 2) 266

OP seemed pretty clear that #2 isn't an option, and most disabled Americans' income is too limited for a case of beer or equivalent bribe.

I wouldn't consider it whining and moaning when somebody finds a bug that breaks disability accessibility to the point that they won't be able to use their OS without a struggle, politely posts to the bugtracker about it, waits for 3 months while it's ignored, then politely posts to Slashdot asking for suggestions on how to handle it. Instead, I'd say it's maturely pointing out a legit issue and requesting help -- not every mention of a problem qualifies as a whine/moan, especially such a critical problem.

Comment Re:pay someone to do it (Score 1, Insightful) 266

I'll repeat my response to someone else above:
Most disabled people in the US are living on Supplemental Security Income of $600-850/month, and have no other source of money. Even a group of them are unlikely to be able to pool enough to hire somebody to fix a bug in something like Xorg.

Comment Re:RMS mentions a comparable situation (Score 2, Informative) 266

There's one major problem there: most disabled people in the US are living on Supplemental Security Income of $600-850/month, and have no other source of money. Even a group of them are unlikely to be able to pool enough to hire somebody to fix a bug in something like Xorg.

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 824

People who preach tolerance need to be tolerant ...

So by your logic, if I believed in white people 'tolerating' the presence of black people in the same schools, in the same restrooms, using the same parts of the bus, etc. then I automatically should've been equally "tolerant" of (that is, refrain from objecting to) the actions of the bigots that did their best to strip black people of that right? Or that anyone that felt physically disabled kids should be "tolerated" in regular classrooms would be hypocritical if they "tolerated" the efforts of non-disabled parents to force them into "special" schools rather than speaking out against them?

Besides that, most advocates realized years ago that "tolerance" isn't a good goal, as it still implies stereotyping & openly hating an entire group is peachy-keen, and that the group should have to hope others "let" them do things rather than having the same right to do them. That's when they switched over to showing gay people are just regular individuals, just as worthy/unworthy of respect & acceptance as the next human being -- and, once that idea started taking root, why they began pushing for equal civil rights.

So "tolerance" basically is a red herring at this point. I don't "tolerate" my longtime gay friend or lesbian cousin, I love them as the big brother I wish I'd had and the 'girl' I grew up playing with. They deserve the same rights & respect that I have simply by default -- including being able to go to work without having a leader that tried to make them second-class citizens. (Wanting to do it, or believing it should be the case, is one thing; actively trying to make it happen seems a whole lot more hostile.)

Comment Re:New UI? (Score 1) 256

"Complete" Themes change the icons as well, not just the backgrounds. It used to be that themes in general changed the icons & background, and the newer background-only customizations were called Personas -- but then Mozilla inexplicably decided to name both types "themes" and make "Personas"refer to some kind of account service.

Comment Re:Firefox is the most unstable program in common (Score 1) 207

Odd. I use YouTube relatively often, and always have AdBlock Plus &Flashblock enabled/installed. The biggest problem I've run into with the combo is that ABP thus far can't get rid of the smallish semi-collapsing ad that appears within the video and is sponsored by the account holder.

From what I recall, though, the main difference between Firefox and other browsers is that it's the only one that lets ABP block sites from even requesting a resource; on other browsers, all ABP can do is hide elements from view once they're downloaded. That might somehow tie into the problem you're having.

FWIW I'm using Firefox 22 (I dislike the changes made as of 23) in Mepis Linux, on an old 2GHz Centrino laptop with 1GB of RAM.

Comment Re: Firefox is the most unstable program in common (Score 1) 207

What distro/environment? In Mepis, Debian, OpenSUSE, and Fedora, it has been rock-solid stable for me using KDE 4, GNOME2, KDE 3/Trinity. I usually only keep 4-10 tabs open and use the Too Many Tabs extension for the rest, and Iusually kill off the Flash plugin via htop an hour or two after watching a video. That's a nine-year-old 2GHz Centrino laptop with 1GB of RAM, running 24/7 with Firefox almost always in use, AdBlock Plus & FlashBlock installed.

OTOH it crashed or froze up fairly often when I was using Ubuntu (roughly May 2008-Jan 2010) on a very similar laptop.

Comment Re:Fly me to Mars or even to the Moon. (Score 1) 401

If NASA really was a matter of mankind "exploring strange new worlds" and "seek(ing) out new life and new civilizations"-- or if it had even just given us tangible improvements to the average person's quality-of-life that couldn't have been discovered on land or underwater -- then it wouldn't have eventually lost people's support. Effectively,you want to pour money into a dream based on an exciting science-fantasy TVshow that was as realistic about spaceflight/exploration as fantasy novels/shows are at depicting life in the middle ages.

Consider... What if your grandkids don't turn out to be any good at STEM work or at best could be minimum-wage codemonkeys, and thus land among the masses that make just enough to live paycheck-to-paycheck with few luxuries. Would you still feel it's a great idea to take money that could be spent on finding ways to make survival or employment easier and instead spend it on dreams conjured up by a TVshow from your youth? (Iagree with you about think tanks because they're directly tainted by politics, but the knowledge & research performed by high-end universities can very often predict the end-results of different paths.)

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