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Comment Re:Original Dartmouth BASIC was a compiler (Score 1) 106

Well, the article is about the 60th birthday of BASIC. The so called "1977 Trinity" (which was only invented in 1995) was 13 years later. Apple/Commodore/Tandy did perhaps make up the bulk of computers in the USA in the 1980s (I'm not sure of that, as the IBM PC was launched in 1981 and there were plenty of PC clones in the 1980s, you also ignore Atari, Texas Instruments, and all CP/M & S100 machines), but certainly not world wide. There were computers with "compile and go" BASIC in the 1980s, e.g. the DAI.

So, what you call "traditionally" is very subjective at least.

Comment Re:How far we've fallen (Score 2) 70

I set up a Mumble server (Murmur) in 2014, which is an open source VOIP chat. I don't remember what the drama/controversy around TeamSpeak and Ventrilo was back then, but a lot of people were migrating to Mumble which was quickly becoming more popular for game chat.

When Discord was launched in 2015, all users on my server moved almost overnight. The main reason they told me for moving was that Discord allowed to set the volume per user (so they could boost somebody who was barely audible, and make the very loud ones more silent), in stead of a global volume setting on Mumble. Apart from that, the functionalities were similar at the time. Of course, since then Discord has come a long way in terms of added features.

Perhaps Mumble will get some traction again now.

Comment Re:Weird. I did AI stuff on PCs back in the 80s (Score 1) 37

A very simple example of a learning system from 1983 (pp. 57-58 of the Dutch translation of Chris Naylor's book. I translated the PRINT and INPUT sentences back to English, so they will be slightly different from the original.):

10 INPUT "How many variables do you have ? "; V
20 DIM V(V), V$(V)
30 PRINT "Give those variables a name."
40 FOR I = 1 TO V
50 PRINT "Variable "; I; : INPUT V$(I)
70 INPUT "How many results do you have ? "; Q : DIM Q$(Q), R(V,Q),D(Q),S(Q)
80 PRINT "Give those results a name."
90 FOR I = 1 TO Q: S(I) = Q
100 PRINT "Result "; Q; : INPUT Q(I)
110 NEXT
120 PRINT "This is the learning mode. Give values to the variables, I will guess a result. Tell me if I guessed right or wrong."
130 D = 0 : FOR I = 1 TO Q : D(I) = 0 : NEXT
140 FOR I =1 to V
150 PRINT "Variable ";I;" (";V$(I);" ) is "; : INPUT V(I)
160 NEXT
170 FOR I = 1 TO V
180 FOR J = 1 TO Q
190 D(J) = D(J)+V(I)*R(I,J)
210 FOR I = 1 TO Q
220 IF D(I) >= D THEN D=D(I) : HI = I
230 NEXT
240 PRINT "Is the result ";HI;" (";Q$(HI);") ?"
250 INPUT A$
260 IF A$="Y" THEN S(HI)=I ; SC=0 : FOR I = 1 TO Q : SC=SC+S(I) : NEXT : IF SC=Q THEN PRINT "I am perfect." : END
270 IF A$="Y" THEN GOTO 120
280 FOR I = 1 TO Q : PRINT I;" ";Q$(I)
290 NEXT
300 INPUT "Which was the correct result?"; HJ
330 NEXT
340 FOR J = 1 TO V
350 R(J,HJ)=R(J,HJ)+V(J)
360 NEXT
370 PRINT "I had ";SC;" guesses right before I made an error. Let's try again."
380 FOR I = 1 TO Q : S(I)=0 : NEXT
390 GOTO 120

Comment Microsoft's First AI PC ? (Score 1) 37

I typed in some BASIC programs from Chris Naylor's 1983 book "Build your own Expert System: Artificial Intelligence for the aspiring microcomputer" on my 1979 Sharp MZ-80K Personal Computer forty years ago.

So, Microsoft is quite late to the party with their First AI PC in 2024.

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