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Comment Re:Was this article written by AI? (Score 1) 44

When the smallest version of the model is quantized to 4 bits, it only takes 2GB of memory, so yes this should be able to run on actual consumer GPUs.

The A100 is mentioned if you want to "fine tune" the model, which means feeding in new data and training up a modified model. Training a model always needs more time than inferencing with it, but the inferencing can definitely run on a small GPU. (FWIW, my old nVidia 1050 can run small models very well.)

Comment Re:I charge 4% for credit cards (Score 1) 225

When I see a gas station that charges extra for credit, I keep driving until I find one that doesn't.

Weird brag. Those stations are not charging a lower price for credit, they're just charging a higher price for cash. So you're bragging about how you only buy the most expensive gas.

... I appreciate the protection from potential scammers ...

If you're shopping where the gas stations are scams yet you're bragging about how you can afford to do better, maybe you should just stop going to those places?

Around here, gas stations aren't scams, so I just find the lowest price and pay cash there. Although these days, gas is expensive enough that I can justify paying the debit card fee, so even at a "cash-only" station I don't need cash.

Comment Re:Apple AR (Score 1) 40

High-end Snapdragons actually. But yeah they're still mobile CPUs, so pretty limited.

They problem is that they're running at the equivalent of 4K, and that's only recently become reasonable for a full desktop, and only if the GPU is above mid-range. IMO picture quality and view angles won't really start to be "excellent" until we hit 8k.

This is probably the reason Apple is taking so long: to get something up to Steve-Jobs-quality, the technology just doesn't exist yet.

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