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Comment Re: Zuckerberg (Score 1) 152

The "Free Market" is one problem. "Zuck" is just doing his small-minded - make more money thing - under current market conditions. The free market enables you to buy cheap toilet paper from Costco where their Chinese labourers work in slave conditions so you can "get clean cheaply". Wake up. Facebook (and other social media) are the real societal problem.

Comment Turing test obsolete (Score 1) 180

Poor Rohit Prasad, Vice President and Head Scientist of Alexa at Amazon. Doesn't know what intelligence looks like, doesn't understand that current AI are still brute-force, table look-up, GPU-powered software idiots. When Alexa can tell me why "my pussy is itching so badly" in some sensible context manner - then I will believe that general purpose AI has arrived. Until then, please stop blathering Rohit.

Comment 'The Problem With Programming and How To Fix It' (Score 1) 560

Two seconds into a discussion about how programming computers should be simple and easy to do without a CS degree and all our multiple coding/design/development designations - we get into wanking about Arduino or C++, frameworks, Java . . . You just don't get it do you (mostly) guys? It isn't about the tools you love to handle and the joy you get from them yourselves, it's about the ease and speed with which you develop a working, bug-free system for your client.

Submission + - Will Ad Blockers Kill the Digital Media Industry? writes: Michael Rosenwald writes at the Columbia Journalism Review that global online ad revenue continues to rise, reaching nearly $180 billion last year. But analysts say the rise of ad blocking threatens the entire industry—the free sites that rely exclusively on ads, as well as the paywalled outlets that rely on ads to compensate for the vast majority of internet users who refuse to pay for news. A new report from Adobe and one of several startups helping publishers fight ad blocking shows that 198 million people globally are now blocking ads, up 41 percent from 2014. In the US, ad blocking grew 48 percent from last year, to 45 million users. "Taken together, ad blockers are hitting publishers in their digital guts," writes Rosenwald. "Adobe says that $21.8 billion in global ad revenue will be blocked this year."

Publishers have been banking on the growth of mobile, where the ad blocking plugins either don’t work or are cumbersome to install. A Wells Fargo analyst wrote in a report on ad blocking that “the mobile migration should thwart some of the growth” of ad blockers. But Apple recently revealed that its new operating system scheduled for release this fall will allow ad blocking on Safari. Apple is trying to pull iPhone and iPad users off the web. It wants you to read, watch, search, and listen in its Apple-certified walled gardens known as apps. It makes apps, it approves apps, and it profits from apps. But, for its plan to work, the company will need those entertainers and publishers to funnel their content to where Apple wants it to be. As the company makes strategic moves to devalue the web in favor of apps, those content creators dependent on ads to stay afloat may be forced to play along with Apple. Adblock Plus has released a browser for mobile Android devices that blocks ads, and it’s planning to release a similar product for Apple devices. “The desire to figure out how to bring ad blocking to mobile consumers is a worldwide phenomenon,” says Roi Carthy Ad blocking, he says, “is an inalienable right.”

Comment Re:Two Flavors (Score 1) 249

As an old fart project manager with a software development/UX/Business analysis background who hasn't coded for years, I see my role as: 1. Protecting developers from all the management stuff so they can excel at doing their work. 2. Offering guidance, from a client perspective, about what they actually need to produce. I try to set the development team free, while nudging them in the right direction ;-)

Comment The US political system is in deep trouble . . . (Score 1) 767

Sad to see you were in a mess for a few days there, glad you fixed it in time, sorry to see that we will be having the same lame production in early 2014. It's really tough for you (living it) but it's also tough for us in Europe (watching it). We admire, respect and follow what you get up to over there, but we can also see too many historical parallels in our own continent (Germany in 1933) in your current political conduct. You have a Conservative heartland that naturally dislikes change (and may have racially motivated objections to anything your African-American President does) coupled with an ultra-hard-right faction who apparently merely wants to topple, or at least severely disable, the government. Wake up America, it is 2013. It is not the middle ages or even 1773. If you are "exceptional", demonstrate to the rest of the world that that is true - try to show us that rational, civilized debate is the best democratic policy. The OFs in the GOP don't seem to get that times have changed. The aptly-named "Tea Party" doesn't care - all they want is power - over the People, not for them.

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Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes, and not rather a new wearer of clothes. -- Henry David Thoreau
