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Comment Re:Wtf are the F-18s gonna do? (Score 4, Informative) 133

Assuming this was even real, what are F-18's gonna do against a terrorist inside a passenger plane?

I believe the idea is to shoot it down if it looks like its going to fly into something important. better to loose a few hundred passengers than to have it crash into a building with thousands as well as the passengers.

Comment Re:Lot of info missing (Score 1) 44

it would add Hulu content to its Disney+ streaming app

In all markets? Or is this another US-only thing while other markets are left out yet again?

while also announcing it would raise the price of its ad-free streaming service later this year.

Is this another price rise? My subscription is already going up by $20NZD later this month, which means that since April 2021 my Disney+ subscription will have risen by 50% over the original rate.

counter intuitively much of this was already on disney+ outside the US and the US market is the one playing catch-up.

Comment Re:Why even a missile? (Score 1) 396

Because it's risky as fuck flying at speed towards something barely moving and the size of a house and engaging it with a short range weapon like a gun when you can instead hit it from 10km away with a missile and leave ample time to manoeuvre out of it's way.

Isn't that what A10s are for?

Why did they send an F22 do to an A10's job?

They need to give the f22 something to do? How can we make the case for needing new billion dollar planes when we keep flying the much cheaper and useful work horse plane?

Comment Re:At some point. (Score 2) 107

Video and audio will not be something that can be trusted. At this rate it won't be too long before they won't be usable as evidence in the court of law once the technology is refined.

Everything will have to be in person to be trusted that it is actually being said by that person.

or we have camera and other video equipment cryptographicly sign their output so as to have chain of evidence to show no tampering.

Comment as opposed to their own podcasts (Score 2, Funny) 107

generate voices that sound like Joe Rogan, Ben Sharpio,... to spew racist and other sorts of material.

So what you made Joe Rogan and Ben Sharpio say racist thing, as opposed to the racist things they say on their own platforms? Oh No! Now there are recordings were they say offensive things without ad revenue how horrible.

Comment Re:As long as the CEO takes full responsibility (Score 2) 27

When a CEO says they take full responsibility, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside and do not care if they took a pay cut.

they take responsibility in the "Look at how much i saved the company by not having to pay the surfs i deserve raise and bonus" way, not the" i failed the company and now we have to lay off people that need this job" way

Comment Re:Better late than never but... (Score 1) 41

CCleaner hasn't really been used by anyone with a clue for years. It is half arsed that really is only good for cleaning up the mess 3rd parties make, which is great for a minority that install every piece of shit they run across, the rest it really doesn't do much of value.

Its is useful for quickly cleaning PC's belonging to clueless relative when you really don't want to take the time to do a clean reinstall without all of the 3rd party preloaded crap ware. its a quick fix for pc's that aren't really your problem.

Comment Re:Yeah, well... (Score 4, Interesting) 88

The USA provided machines to the Soviets to make the fine ball bearings needed for their gyros for ICBMs. We pushed them along on their nuclear program. They would have been decades behind otherwise. Why can't this be on the front page?

Well they also sold us the titanium we needed for our spy planes we used against them. My guesses is it because there are lots of possible uses for precision ball bearings beside nukes much like their are more uses for titanium that high altitude spy planes

Comment Re:Not fully opposite though... (Score 1) 98

This is a really simple case of the majority of images are slanted towards societies perspective on beauty and sex.

If that were true it would be opposite standard beauty in all regards - like maybe a fatter face, no hair.

Instead it's extra creepy because it's an image you can see was beautiful once, but is now corrupted.

remember it is built on images humans created few images we create are meant to be universally repulsive and the images its trained of are not completely revolting the average would trend toward having some positive atributes.

think of it this way you have 1M images in 950k of them the people have hair , and of the 50k that dont have hair many of those would still be considered attractive/neutral by most other measure, so they are not weight negatively for that.

Comment Re:Most recent movies bad (Score 1) 285

The Thor L&T movie that's in theaters right now is shockingly bad, an enormous dropoff from the last one which was among my favorites. Marvel's had a "sophomore slump" trend all along (this is Taika Watiti's 2nd Thor film), but that doesn't explain all of the current drop in quality.

The latest Thor had great moments and potential but it leaned to hard on humor and went too light hearted for the plot, themes, and villain. Jane is dying of cancer, you have villain who kidnaps children in vengeance for the loss of his daughter, and you are dealing with themes of what does a god own their people, but any time things start to get serious we get a bunch of jokes and visual gags and the subject is changed. the costuming has gotten away from the realistic looking less fantastical design of the early successful film to silly pastel over the top outfits changing look every few scenes obviously for toy sales. Some of Thors armor this film looks like someone decided to Easter egg paint a games workshop figure.

The first 2 Thor films were the weakest of the phase one films and Taika Watiti did great reframing the character in his last movie, but Marvel learn the wrong lesson from Thor 3 and GotG success. Now its all jokes and no serious moments.

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