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Comment Re: Samsung S Note (Score 1) 128

This quote is the smoking gun re: these people have no clue wtf they are talking about: "But after all these years, I still don't know how to tell you whether you should want an iPad. Or what you'd want to do with it."

Just replace iPad with NES or Personal Computer... and you'll see the same nimby-ism has existed for a long time in close-minded individuals.

Comment Re:How does the FTC have this authority? (Score 0) 96

Given the current makeup of SCOTUS, I am not sure selling interstate roadsigns on a bus that is currently on an interstate in the process of crossing a state line would be considered interstate commerce. But I suspect that in the future we will look back at pretty much everything this current group decides and respond with a collective WTF!?!

Comment Re:How does the FTC have this authority? (Score 1) 96

The reach of interstate commerce is much broader than many think.

Famous case Katzenbach v McClung (1964)

Restaurant required to abide by federal regulations because they were part of interstate commerce (think the food that they received to prepare for clients, where the equipment they cooked and served the food on, where the employees and clients came from and where they went, it is a long list of ways that one can become part of interstate commerce)

Comment Re:How do they target cancer cells? (Score 1) 37

The paper doesn't seem to discuss just how they are going to get these molecules into cancer cells, but not in healthy cells. That seems like the more important issue. After all, if you can get a particular chemical inside of cancer cells, while avoiding healthy cells, there are any number of ways to kill them.

Exactly! Obligatory xkcd:

Comment Re:I hope she was fired. (Score 5, Interesting) 60

“Recently, I was asked if I was going to fire an employee who made a mistake that cost the company $600,000. “No”, I replied. “I just spent $600,000 training him – why would I want somebody to hire his experience?” -- Thomas John Watson Sr., IBM

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