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Comment Re:Not much to report. (Score 1) 961

I agree that Moore has given the entire movement a taint that will be hard to shake off. That said, if you go to their website, your solution sounds similar to theirs. Maybe there appears to be no real purpose or real agenda because they aren't forcing themselves into a "Left" or "Right" ideology. They are trying to find a solution by listening to everybody.

The website talks about how this is not the worn out distracting battle between Conservative vs Liberal but rather one between the top 1% and the other 99% and how the top 1% has completely and thoroughly corrupted our government.

You and many others may belittle the movement and paint it as a bunch of 'hipsters', 'topless hippies', or whatever, but their message is pretty clear (if you listen). The country is being fisted by the top 1% and BOTH sides of the political system is owned by them.

Here's an example I just pulled out of my ass of the corruption this movement is trying to wake people up to: The government, through corn subsidies, gives you 7 free twinkies (through taxes you've paid) for every 1/3 of an apple.

Need I remind you of the scam that is healthcare? For me, what really showed me that both sides were bought and paid for was when Obama 'fixed' the healthcare system by forcing people to buy private for profit health insurance.

I could go on, but I'm depressing myself.

Comment Re:The major lessons (Score 1) 206

On the other hand nuclear waste needs to be refined, transported and stored safely for a long time. Sorry, but those are the laws of physics.

Inferring that nuclear waste has to be refined, transported, and stored safely are all unchangeable facts due to the laws of physics is garbage. Traveling wave reactors refine as they go, eliminating the need for transportation and refinement, and when the reaction is done the reactor vessel becomes the storage vessel.

Submission + - New Drug Treatment Could Cure All Viral Infections (

Scottingham writes: TFA states that in a development that could transform how viral infections are treated, a team of researchers at MIT's Lincoln Laboratory has designed a drug that can identify cells that have been infected by any type of virus, then kill those cells to terminate the infection.

Submission + - Google Pulls Plug on Programming for the Masses 1

theodp writes: Google has decided to pull the plug on Android App Inventor, which was once touted as a game-changer for introductory computer science. In an odd post, Google encourages folks to 'Get Started!' with the very product it's announcing will be discontinued as a Google product. The move leaves CS Prof David Wolber baffled. ' In the case of App Inventor,' writes Wolber, 'the decision affects more than just your typical early adopter techie. It hurts kids and schools, and outfits like Iridescent, who use App Inventor in their Technovation after-school programs for high school girls, and Youth Radio's Mobile Action Lab, which teaches app building to kids in Oakland California. You've hurt professors and K-12 educators who have developed new courses and curricula with App Inventor at the core. You've hurt universities who have redesigned their programs.' Wolber adds: 'Even looking at it from Google's perspective, I find the decision puzzling. App Inventor was a public relations dream. Democratizing app building, empowering kids, women, and underrepresented groups — this is good press for a company continually in the news for anti-trust and other far less appealing issues. And the cost-benefit of the cut was negligible-believe it or not, App Inventor was a small team of just 5+ employees! The Math doesn't make sense.'

Submission + - Yeast provide clues to evolution of complex life (

thebchuckster writes: The budding yeast lives on simple sugars, which it makes by using an enzyme called invertase to chop more complex sugars, like sucrose, into smaller ones, such as glucose and fructose. But because most of these simple sugars escape by diffusing into the surrounding environment, the yeast cell can't consume all the food it makes.

Koschwanez and his team compared the success of single, isolated yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) in a low-sucrose solution (table sugar) with that of clumps of yeast cells, formed naturally when the cell walls of the yeast failed to fully separate during cell division. They found that the cells in clumps continued dividing, an indication they were eating well and growing normally, while single cells in the same solution did not divide.

The secret is that the clumped cells happen to help each other out.

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