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Comment Worrisome habit (Score 1) 131

The worrisome habit I see here is banning something because it *might* be abused. Make sure you have laws about kids buying nicotine and move on, it's not your job to parent these kids.

What about disposable vapes without nicotine? I use those for my oral fixation but to not get back into smoking. Should we ban something because it's a gateway to smoking? We should probably ban baby bottles, nip this thing in the bud.

Comment I haven't seen this work well (Score 1) 120

I work in a government agency where they created a whole org to handle "cybersecurity". It lead to a weird relationship, where we're all governed by documents we never see or are allowed access to, infrequent internal audits with a confusing agenda, and the lack of training or knowledge of any of our engineers.

The worst part to me is on the software engineering side: they just kind of said it's "All Cybersecurity" and all they worry about is port scanning and public network holes; nobody here learns how to write code to avoid security vulnerabilities, most people use unvetted OTS software, and there's no plan to train anybody to care about it because it's some other org's problem.

Comment Re:The REAL reason companies don't want to remote (Score 1) 217

This is exactly it. Pay for software engineers in my area has skyrocketed with covid. Suddenly they can work from anywhere in the US. Developers are finally starting to get paid what they're worth, and we're realizing that there is no shortage, if you can work remote. There's just a shortage of people who will do it for half the price.

Comment Devil you know (Score 1) 252

I agree with the rest of the posts, I wouldn't miss Facebook at all if they were to go.

But they are the devil we know. What's to say what replaces Facebook wouldn't be worse? What replaces Facebook may be able to do so simply BECAUSE it does only what Facebook dreamed of doing and what we're afraid of. Imagine a more competent version of Facebook, evolved over years to feed on people's fears, misinformation, controlling people and making money off of them. Maybe run by a foreign country where all tech is actually collecting data for their government.

Comment Take a step back (Score 1) 193

I understand what it means for things to be in "international waters so anything can happen", but can we take a step back and look at how silly this all seems?

Oh, piece of tech went down in international waters, scramble! If my kid finds another kid's pencil, and knows it's theirs, I teach them it's right to give it back even if they wouldn't. So why do we expect children to act better than national leaders? No wait, why don't we expect national leaders to act better than children?

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