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Submission + - Finding an Optimal Keyboard Layout for Swype

Analog24 writes: The QWERTY keyboard was not designed with modern touchscreen usage in mind, especially when it comes to swype texting. A recent study attempted to optimize the standard keyboard layout to minimize the number of swype errors. The result was a new layout that reduces the rate of swipe interpretation mistakes by 50.1% compared to the QWERY keyboard.

Comment Re:Topre Realforce or HHKB2 (Score 1) 452

I think the switch type and layout are the primary factors, so I'd advise you to read a bit of geekhack forum and decide what you'd like to try. A word of warning: Mechanical keyboard can be addictive!

Going to would be my advice as well. It's a great site for keyboard fans.

Comment Instead of the Communist Manifesto (Score 1) 796

Read Henry George's Progress and Poverty. The writing is clearer, and it offers ideas compatible with capitalism.

BTW, I don't want to suggest in any way that George was a communist. He was arguably more of a capitalist than most, in that he didn't want to tax capital at all -- or labor, for that matter -- just land (and by extension, natural resources with inherently fixed supply). Karl Marx's writing is a more difficult slog, and his importance is more how he was able to convince otherwise rational people to behave irrationally en masse, rather than economic ideas that would be useful to implement.

Comment Are you testing poisonous plants? (Score 1) 73

Not that I have the urge to track down death caps or anything, but I have noticed that NOTHING seems to munch on or infect poison oak (at least where I live). It stays nice, glossy green until the leaves turn in the fall, without wilting or mold or any other ailment I can see on other plants. It would be interesting to see if the urushiol oil or something else protected it.

Comment Re:why are the options close together? (Score 1) 398

(of course, it should go without saying that those buttons should be extremely obvious, and the selection of candidates on page 1 should be randomized for each voter.)

Agreed. There is no reason that a computer screen cannot show candidates in random order for each race, and that would help lessen systemic error as well as ill-informed or lazy votes (lazy voters who just pick the first candidate in races would spread votes among all candidates).

Comment There are three that I haven't seen mentioned yet: (Score 2) 1365

Level 7, by Mordecai Roshwald:

Z For Zachariah (young adult), by Robert C. O'Brien:

A Canticle for Leibowitz, by Walter M. Miller, Jr.:

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