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Comment Re: Skylab Lotion (Score 0) 57

Were you there when cocaine infused cola was pitched as a cure all tonic? Yet it happened. As long as this demon country existed, people were kept ignorant, used and disposed. Just like you are right now. I bet you have a few snake oils in your repertoire right now, and eventually the doctors will suck you dry because of your ignorance and toss your lifeless body to millitary and engineers, like mÐ.

Comment Re: These are lies of course (Score -1, Troll) 66

Its a chicken and the egg problem. You cant claim objectivity when your judgement is clouded with hate. Its pretty obvious fear of Russia has been with the west for 500 years. What track record can you possibly talk about when youve had 25 generations of people living under state propaganda of fear and hate of Russia.

Comment Re: exactly (Score 1) 258

Clearly youre a zombie. First of all, Crimea had Russian troops stationed since 1860s. 20,000 to be exact. Second, you have 0 proof of Russians in Donbass before 2022. No one has seen or reported any regular Russian troops. OCEA had daily donbass reports and never seen Russians. Youre just brainwashed by nazi propaganda.

Comment Re: exactly (Score 0) 258

What fantasy universe are you living in? Name 1 corrupt official who was sentensed? Also ukraine didnt attack anyone? Hello? What about the civil war raging within its borders for 9 years? It wasnt russia who sent tanks to donbass to put down the riots after the (unconstitutional mind you) overthrow of their president. OSEA report names 14,000 ukranians dead of the conflict before Russia entered the war in â23.

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