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Comment Re:Reddit is a dead man walking (Score 1) 97

This is just like when people realised that the very short era of being able to sell recorded music came to an end. For around 50 years there was a revenue model based around something that was only enabled by technology, and then technology took it away. Now we are back to the previous era where it's the performance that has the value.

LLMs are scraping everything and companies are mad that they were unprepared to monetise data they didn't create when all they were trying to sell was ads. Whether that's valid or not is a philosophical question, but I think it's hilarious that companies are placing value on something they consistently told their users was worthless.

Comment Re:You know what would have been better? (Score 1) 97

I don't see how reddit moderators have been positioned as being the "good guys" when they're totally not. Exactly how have the changes that reddit made ended up with a worse reddit? it simply hasn't. What it did was aggravate a group of people who realised they never had the imaginary power they imagined they had.

Comment Re:Is it reloadable with homebrew config? (Score 1) 44

I have a few years old Sony TV with AndroidTV built in. They have kept it relatively current to the latest version AFAIK, and it’s very easy to sideload anything. I don’t use the Android interface for much, but it’s snappy still, as it used a new processor in its model year.

If you’re wanting to replace Android on a TV, you’re better off buying a box or dongle, and you definitely wouldn’t want to pay Sony’s prices just to change the software, because that’s where all the value is. Their amazing image processing and tight integration with other Sony devices is the reason to buy a Sony.

It’s like buying an x86 Mac just to run Windows: why would you do it?

Comment Re:Amazon fire (Score 1) 62

If only Amazon were any good at using the vast amounts of data I have voluntarily given them related to my shopping

They best they ever come up with is “would you like to buy another one of these things you already own? You bought this thing a while ago, do you want another?”

No, I already have one of those that I bought from you.

I mean, does ANYONE here get useful suggestions from Amazon? Does ANYONE here EVER get useful ads? I know that there’s the psychology involved in an ad following you around the internet, but that doesn’t need your data and doesn’t require any kind of targeting.

Comment Re:Surprising (Score 1) 111

Is there another HTML rendering engine alternative besides Gecko? WebKit is barely different from Blink, even however many years after the split.

The difference is really just JavaScript engines, and even that is mostly the same amongst all JS engines, but Safari consistently is shown to use less energy than the others.

iOS already has energy limitations, like RAM, where the app will be shut down if it uses too much. I’m doubtful Chrome, Edge, or Firefox would be able to be ported within those constraints.

Comment Re:Surprising (Score 1) 111

Ipad adoption rates sort of make sense, school district mandates to give every kid an Ipad has some to do with that(I live in one of those districts)

There’s way, WAY more school districts that make kids use Chromebooks than iPads. This is one of the main reasons kids want iPhones and iPads at home instead.

Thinking a kid wants to use a Google product at home is like thinking their favourite restaurant is the school cafeteria.

Comment Re: Company who gathers as much data as it can... (Score 1) 69

You don’t have to use Facebook for it to have obscene amounts of data on you. They’re one of the largest data collectors and brokers in existence, and they don’t need you to use their product to collect it, because tons of other, unrelated websites have agreed to let Facebook track you and create a profile.

This is why Facebook is so pissed at Apple. It wasn’t the “allow app to track me” permissions Apple put in place: that info, while useful, is peanuts. By default, iOS does not allow cross-site tracking and hides your IP from known trackers in all browsers and apps that use web rendering.

THAT is the real reason Facebook is pissed at Apple.

Comment Re:*Maybe* for the non-professional (Score 1) 203

They make lens attachments for smartphones, which is mainly how all those “shot on iPhone” images are taken.

I think computational photography, with the ability to mimic different conditions, is what will kill the DSLR, not sensor or lens improvements. Apple didn’t change anything about the new iPhone SE camera from the previous version, yet because of the newer chip, it takes better photos.

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