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Comment Re:You know, you can buy an unlocked phone (Score 2) 317

If I do that, which carrier will give me a lower monthly rate because I don't need them to subsidize the phone? Maybe a little guy, but will Verizon or AT&T do that for me? Nope. So, if I buy an unlocked phone, I'm basically a sucker, because I'm paying for the phone twice.

Comment Re:But... (Score 1) 295

A system like this will be written by a team of programmers, some of them very experienced, backed up by quality assurance folks and thousands of hours of experience.

On the human side, you're only as safe as the least safe driver. Older people with slower reaction times and diminished sight, brand new drivers with only a few weeks of experience behind the wheel, intoxicated drivers, and the whole slew of distracted drivers out there on their cell phones. Stand at an intersection sometime and count the number of drivers using cell phones, it's horrifying.

I believe that people who think computers will never drive better than humans are today's version of people that thought a computer would never beat a grand master at chess. It may take awhile, but it will happen, believe it.

Comment Re:Blame big corporations. Really (Score 1) 143

US companies want it both ways, though. They want to sell Windows to the US for one price, and to China for a different (lower) price. Right there, that's fine, but if a guy in China wants to sell his Windows copy to me for slightly more and make a profit on it, it's illegal.

Arbitrage is apparently fine when investors do it, but illegal when the rest of us want to balance out the crazy price differences that exist in the world right now.

Comment Re:I like Tesla's (Score 1) 426

The coal power plant is still more efficient than your tiny internal-combustion engine. Even with power losses from lines, etc, the electric car is still more efficient overall. So, that's present state.

For future state, if we had mostly electric cars for commuting, running to the store, etc, we could replace coal plants with wind turbines, for example, and suddenly our cars are green. If all cars are internal combustion engines, we're stuck with using oil, or using up valuable farmland to grow vegetation for bio-gas. Just because electric cars aren't 100% green right now, doesn't mean they're not better than what we have. We have to start somewhere.

Comment Re:unintentional humor alert (Score 3, Interesting) 447

That doesn't make sense to me. Let's assume the cable company won't outright gouge you (big assumption, sure). They'll want to keep overall revenues the same. The ESPN family is more expensive per user, so they can break that out into its own package. Every other channel that pays to be put on cable (to get ad revenues) will be cheaper. The people that absolutely must watch live sports will have to pay more, or ESPN will have to get cheaper. People not interested in sports will not have to subsidize ESPN any more just to get a couple of premium channels.

Cable is getting real competition from Over the Air and streaming content. They know they have to offer something compelling to get me to stay. If they can get me the basic channels + all of the science channels that are hard to find on streaming for a reasonable cost, I'll stay. If they can't, then I might leave. OTA is free, and free almost always beats better.

Comment Re:Moral of the story.... (Score 2) 264

Yes and no. I'm sure Jobs wasn't digging into the accounting paperwork, or corporate tax preparations, etc as much as he was the actual products. He's good at the product side, and I'm sure he knows it. I could be wrong, maybe he micro-manages every part of the business, but I never heard anything like that. Many founders, on the other hand, DO want to be involved in every part of the company, to the point where everything comes to a screeching halt since every little thing needs their sign-off. And then they get replaced by the board/investors, or the company dies.

Comment Re:I guess this beats making the game interesting (Score 1) 637

The thing is, if the article is correct, 90% of people think that games are not worth finishing. So game companies can either cater to the super-gamers who want super-long or super-hard games, or they can tune the games to the 90% of people that don't have the time or energy to battle through these super-games.

Comment Re:Some info belongs on a specialized wiki (Score 1) 533

Is Wikipedia running out of disk space all of a sudden? Why do topics have to be "notable" to be included? One of the great things about Wikipedia originally was that it wasn't limited to a certain number of pages, so finally there were articles on topics that never could have been included in a paper encyclopedia. Why is it the standard that topics have to prove themselves "notable" or die, given that it angers people that spent time and effort adding information to Wikipedia and often removes topics that people were interested in reading about? In effect, it seems like the Wikipedia organization is working hard to make Wikipedia less useful to many potential users and actively pushing away potential contributors.

From your post it sounds like you have inside knowledge about Wikipedia, so if you can help me understand this, I would greatly appreciate it.

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