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Comment Re:The title 'Engineer' is really meaningless (Score 1) 369

It's not just the degree, it's passing your professional engineer exams & getting certified that allows you to take a protected title. Just like you can go to law school but you're not shit until you pass the bar & med school grads aren't shit until they've done a residency and passed their boards.

Comment Re:"...and the support of a solid OpenStack partne (Score 4, Insightful) 32

OpenStack is one of those half-finished open source projects that doesn't really give you all the pieces to do the job. A lot of people think it means you can have a turnkey private cloud with zero admin overhead - like AWS without paying for it. The reality is that keeping it up and running still requires a competent ops team.

Comment Re:Smalltalk (Score 2) 414

Smalltalk was pretty big in industry before C++ (and later Java) took over. You might not see it much anymore but it was pretty widespread in the late 80s through mid 90s with large business customers.

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