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Comment Re:Good luck with that. (Score 2) 205

Seriously. The internet is the only medium I can think of where ads are 1) not necessarily delivered from the site publisher and/or 2) able to present a security threat via various vectors.

If you go to a website you are asking to be shown content hosted on that website, you aren't giving every other random site or 3rd, 4th, or 5th party ad farm that site decided to add to their code access to your machine. I remember cleaning up thousands of machines that were compromised by ads or other 3rd party crap sites had linked in them. Not a day went by where I didn't wish for a MASSIVE class action suit against a big site publisher for the damage their ads and other crap had done. If that had ever happened we wouldn't even be having these discussions and site would serve all their ads from themselves.

Comment Re:Dead Tree Media (Score 3, Insightful) 133

Speak for yourself. Dead tree media survives abuse that digital does not. And until companies start treating digital media rights exactly the same as dead tree media they can pound sand. I can resell, lend, or give away dead tree media, I don't have to worry about the publisher breaking into my house to take the book back from my bookshelf. Dead tree media works just fine without power, and can survive falls and being bent and crushed. Dead tree media doesn't require anything additional to be useful, no need for the expense of anything computerized, and definitely no need for anything proprietary that needs constant security updates or patches. All I want to do is read, I don't want to have to worry about maintaining yet another stupid digital tool and might not even last a few years. There's a book on the other side of the room from me that was published over 100 years ago, yet I keep hearing about how different digital things keep vanishing for various reasons. Digital is great if its a BETTER replacement than analog, most digital media just simply isn't.

Comment Re:The benefits you only notice when they are gone (Score 3, Insightful) 135

Label it whatever you want but a lot of us HIGHLY resent being forced to commute 2-3 hours round trip to sit in an open office where you barely get a shelf that masquerades as a desk subjected to all the noise and distraction of being packed in so closely to a bunch of chatterboxes on speakerphone meetings, not to mention people constantly walking up to you interrupting what you are trying to do because they think their emergency is somehow your problem, only to be doing a job that is effectively remote anyway since there's exactly nothing that you are doing in your workday that requires you to be in that stupid office. After my job got classed as 100% remote I saved thousands in fuel, vehicle maintenance, and meals, recovered 10+ hours I had been wasting on commuting each week, and have the ability to deal with chores around the house like dishes and laundry while still being more productive. Plus I can take a break to walk my dog or just go outside into the fresh air of the woods behind my house rather than deal with the pollution and human garbage of the inner-city office.

You do you but FFS if someone was able to do their job from anywhere and you FORCE them to commute to an office you are a seriously toxic employer.

Comment Why are computer experts so stupid with computers? (Score 2) 130

When did people, especially people like security researchers, just absolutely forget that things like SFTP even exist? Why in the hell would you want to stick something like that up in the cloud in Sharepoint or whatever where it is effectively out of your hands for someone else to retrieve? If you want to give a file to someone securely and reliably set up your own SFTP server or use theirs, then you won't have any gripes about this nonsense.

Comment Re:So what? (Score 1) 85

Against an industrialized military, I guarantee you tanks are mostly useless.
Russia tank.. well, recent event surprise exactly no one who has been paying attention to Russia of the last 20 years. There military has largely become a façade. It would be publicly ridiculed, but, you know, nukes and the shaky ego of dictators is a bad combination in and of itself. Not a bear to be poked without careful consideration.

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