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Comment cryptobros (Score 1) 39

They should ask their cryptobros to teach them how to create a few billion tokens, and proclaim that the tokens are worth $1 each. Then use that token as collateral to borrow money. it works every time.

Comment "We're Going to Do It Like No Other State" (Score 1) 63

Know this, in just a matter of months, we're finally going to have those digital wallets, where you can get your driver's license on a digital wallet. And we're going to do it like no other state has done it. There's only a few that have. But there's issues. Ours we think it'll be next level. We're so excited about what the DMV can look like.

Now I am really concerned about what Newsom said the other day about Digital IDs in California....

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The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
