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Comment Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score 1) 666

You can not accuse just anyone to have stolen things from your room which are then found in theirs, for one.

He was in her room, she never was in his.

Then there's the bruises. She has an explanation for them, he has nothing.

Which reminds me, then there is his dumb fucking blog post in response, where he just calls he mentally unstable, and that it should be no surprise to anyone that she would make that up. What psycho fucking bully would leave it at that?

So while you wait for more evidence or someone else to figure it out for you (with that mindset, how can you even say that's what the cops are for: if YOU are unable to figure shit out, how can you verify they are?), I kinda heard enough.

I'm old enough to remember McMartin and how quickly the court of public opinion can crucify somebody only to later turn out to be bullshit

Then why are you not also old enough to remember all the women who got raped or otherwise abused, and were at best ignored, at worst attacked when they asked for help? On what planet is men wrongfully being accused of rape an issue even *visible* next to women being raped?

Just look at this thread and at how many people joke about it, or bend over backwards to pretend there isn't enough information to have an opinion either way, or how technically she could have just as well attacked him. All sorts of insane, cowardly bullshit by spineless anonymous fucks. "rape culture" is not just an empty phrase, it's an atmosphere so thick one can slice it.

Kudos for posting with your account, I guess you're a good dude but I disagree with you. Part of me genuinely wishes she could have simply have cracked his skull. Then it would have been her word against his dead rapist body, and this hardly a story.

Comment alternate universe (Score 1) 98

Oh yes it did. I'm guessing you're just too young to remember. Thanks to massive os/2 tv campaigns, "normal" people suddenly wanted a computer, not just a console to play games on

I'm certainly not "too young to remember". I wish.

It was a different world then. There wasn't an internet to immediately find out that some marketing term was full of shit. If five percent of the population at the time could distinguish OS/2 from PS/2 I'd be shocked. The one thing people knew for certain is that IBM never went hungry. IBM was attempting to run the entire information technology industry as a centrally planned economy, with some success. When the PC division was finally cut loose from the rest of the Blue Machine, it was mainly to free it from the IBM culture of seven layers of internal review on every decision about capability, volume, or price.

The only reason IBM entered the PC business in the first place was to drain away the nimbleness of young legs. If IBM had allowed the PC industry to cannibalize the mid-range sooner and more aggressively, all their employees clinging to incentive clauses in their mid-range operations would have started to circulate their resumes, both within IBM and without. As my brother never ceases to repeat: the first rats off a sinking ship are the best swimmers. Loss of talent off the top would have been horrendous in some of their existing cash-cow business lines. Quarterly earnings reports would have ceased to glow and executives would spending more quality time with family.

Businesses really do paint themselves into a corner with their internal incentive structures. Tearing up all those employment contracts is disruptive. Clinging to the past is dangerous. Operating a company with different rules in different divisions can quickly gut your workforce at the high end, as the best swimmers stampede to opportunity unleashed. It's extraordinarily rare to gut the cash cow, no matter how rabid the skinny upstart across the street.

What IBM underestimated was the acceleration term: how much more quickly a person armed with a crappy PC was able to figure out they had been saddled with an over-built and over-priced tank capriciously constrained to lumber along with an insufficient engine for a decade or more.

Intel 80286 had 134,000 transistors. Cortex M0 can be implemented in 12K gates. Based on logic functions which shows 12 transistors for a general purpose flip flop these designs are at about the same level of complexity. 80286 runs 2.66 MIPS at 12.5 MHz. The M0 runs 0.9 MIPS/MHz (wider MIPS to boot). Now it might be the case that exploiting the Cortex instruction set back in the eighties was a beyond the compiler technology of the day, but somehow I have my doubts that IBM was incapable of crossing that bridge had they chosen to do so.

I'd be very curious to see someone figure out how well a Cortex M0 could have been implemented in the 80286 process technology. Three to one margin? It's certainly possible on the surface numbers. The downside of the Cortex is increasing memory pressure with wider native memory cycles and a more severe performance trade-off when byte-packing or bit-packing every important data structure. The wider off-chip memory path is a significant PCB fabrication cost.

As I correct one myopic IBM decision after another I wind up in an alternate universe where AT&T sues IBM instead of suing BSD/Cortex. Those of us who lived through this era spent a lot of time day-dreaming about alternate universes.

Comment Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score 1) 666

That post totally works against him. He seems to think rational argument works the same way as his idea of lovemaking? I posted a comment, but I doubt that coward would approve it (seeing there are 0 comments so far, yeah right), so I'll post it here as well:

So your "argument" is basically "she is mentally unstable". Because you claim that.

How about I claim that you're a rapist, so "none of your post is surprising"?

Try again maybe, this time actually addressing the evidence, the fact that you stole from her room, and how come you've both been bruised after your visit to her.

Oh, actually: if she, according to you, is so clearly mentally unstable, that you are not even surprised she would falsely claim you raped her -- why did you go to her room in the first place??

Why add to being caught, being caught in your own web of lies? You're just adding to it. This isn't looking good for you. Not good at all.

Comment Re:Innocent until blogged about (Score 1) 666

f there wasn't sufficient evidence to move forward with charges, then there isn't sufficient evidence to justify her naming and shaming him.

The fuck? How about she actually was in that situation?

And no, it doesn't show any courage on her part, it makes her a part of the problem, as it encourages people to see rape survivors as gold diggers and sociopaths

This is classic victim blaming. And looking around in this thread, I don't think people need encouragement for that. Fucking disgusting.

The Military

Fear of Thinking War Machines May Push U.S. To Exascale 192

dcblogs writes "Unlike China and Europe, the U.S. has yet to adopt and fund an exascale development program, and concerns about what that means to U.S. security are growing darker and more dire. If the U.S. falls behind in HPC, the consequences will be 'in a word, devastating,' Selmer Bringsford, chair of the Department. of Cognitive Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, said at a U.S. House forum this week. 'If we were to lose our capacity to build preeminently smart machines, that would be a very dark situation, because machines can serve as weapons.' The House is about to get a bill requiring the Dept. of Energy to establish an exascale program. But the expected funding level, about $200 million annually, 'is better than nothing, but compared to China and Europe it's at least 10 times too low,' said Earl Joseph, an HPC analyst at IDC. David McQueeney, vice president of IBM research, told lawmakers that HPC systems now have the ability to not only deal with large data sets but 'to draw insights out of them.' The new generation of machines are being programmed to understand what the data sources are telling them, he said."

Comment low Android sex drive (Score 1) 64

I'm also getting closer to ten days per charge mainly running the low power Big Time watchface and not receiving too many notifications.

First win: I've programmed my own watchface with a non-standard time coordinate that matters to me.

Second win: I used to take a medication daily that had to be taken at a precise time in the mid-afternoon for optimum effect. Even after more than a year of practice, I still missed one audible watch alarm every ten days to two weeks. I don't wear my phone on my belt (it gets set down across the room when at home), so that wouldn't have been reliable either. Never miss Pebble's wrist buzzer if I'm wearing the watch. Even when I'm in the shower, if the the watch is placed on a hard surface, if makes enough noise to hear over the splashing water. I could wear it in the shower, but I don't wish to expose it to my nasty medicated shampoo.

Fortunately I've been immune all my life to any concern over whether someone out there might think something is cool, so far seeking out my own functionality. I like mine 20" square (in pairs) or small and unobtrusive. I find the 4" lifestyle most awkward of all: large enough to constantly notice you have it, too small to be completely effective. Likewise, I find Twitter completely ridiculous. Either the message should read "Beers 5 o'clock?" or it should be written with full sentences and paragraph units.

I watched a video on illicit cognitive enhancing drugs last night. I can see the appeal for the younger generation. They need to recover the 10% of their brain power they lose by the over-use of these ridiculous tweener form factors which specialize in mental fragments longer than a smoke signal and shorter than a completed thought.

Third win: This morning I received a phone call while I was still in bed. My watch rasped on my bed-side table so I opened one eye, determined it was a call I wanted that could wait for another hour, then rolled over and went right back to sleep. My phone was in the far corner of the house. I'm really surprised it works at all at that distance. (I've also missed a few from this distance. This might depend on charge status of one device or the other.)

Given that I don't actually sleep with my phone (low sex drive, I guess) my Pebble easily earns its keep.

Comment Congratulations unpaid lord (Score 1) 47

Being a member of the house of lords allows him to be an unpaid member of the government, is a common political appointment in both the british and canadian systems (House of Lords or the Senate, but the same basic function). A UK cabinet minister from the house of lords collects about 110k pounds a year. When he gets turfed from government (as they all do eventually) he won't get paid anything unless he chairs a committee, or a couple of other things. But he will get to call himself Lord. Which is part of the perks of the appointment.


Considering the head of BT was paid 8.5 million pounds for 2012 that's a bit of a pay cut.


Comment Re: read carefully (Score 1) 140

Google uses ephemeral Diffie-Hellman key exchange for its SSL implementation, as long as the client is modern enough (i.e. everything except IE on Windows XP). That provides forward secrecy. Even if the NSA had the private keys, they wouldn't be able to snoop on anyone's traffic by passively sniffing - they'd have to mount an active MITM attack, and that is much harder to do, and even harder to do undetectably.

Comment Re:I suspect they actually sold a decent number of (Score 1) 88

It's fair to say this was a disaster on total units sold compared to publisher expectations and an even bigger disaster on revenue.

It was definitely neither of those.

For the amount of time and money Gearbox sunk into it they probably were profitable in the hundred thousand units, and given how little time they had it I'm sure publishers were thrilled that they managed to ship a product at all after so many years of a useless money pit.

Comment Re:Wait, there were royalties? (Score 1) 88

I suspect they actually sold a decent number of copies, if nothing else but for people to see what the game turned into. If we're talking about a 2 million dollar lawsuit we're talking in the hundreds of thousands but likely not millions of copies of the game. That would generally be a decent if not great title.

Comment Re:Too large to be useful... (Score 1) 293

Game developers in countries not so encumbered by copyright law will happily look at it the moment they can free from repercussions too.

If you're in china, and make games for the chinese market why do you care what some 'murican game developer has to say? Like every other knock off and counterfeiter in china, they don't care in the slightest.

Comment Re:Three factors of dealing with radiation (Score 3, Interesting) 266

Radioactive decay is the mechanism by which something decays which gives off radiation.

Radiation is all sorts of stuff, from the mundane visible light, to high energy beams of doom, to, unfortunately, electrons flying around (beta radiation) and helium atoms stripped of electrons (alpha radiation), although fortunately the term 'radiation' for alpha and beta particles has mostly fallen out of use.

Any given radiation photon (or alpha particle or beta particle) is indeed short lived in the area, but the radioactivity - the amount of radiation being given off in a unit of time can be constant for quite a long time. Normally we talk about the half life (how long it takes for the amount of radiation given off to drop to 1/2 of its previous level) but half of 'enough to kill you 1000 times over' is still a problem.

Different types of radiation have different effects.

With a nuclear power plant you have a fairly diverse collection of radioactive materials and types of radiation, some of which will be a problem for a few minutes, some for a few thousand years and everything in between (and potentially some things which are going to be a problem for millions). With regards to an american reactor (which I know nothing about) 60 years could very reasonably be long enough for a large portion of the short lived radioactive isotopes to decay into something safe, and the radiation to be either absorbed by the casing or simply be radiated away at a low enough dose that it doesn't matter. And then you have to deal with the stuff that's going to be radioactive for a lot longer. Or maybe not. Who knows, in 60 years someone might actually come up with and implement a plan for what to do with all this nuclear waste we're making that isn't just 'keep in under water on site'.

Comment poppycops (Score 2) 476

This is ridiculous. No one would take a one-time one foot rise in global sea level seriously if it wasn't being construed as a canary in a coal mine with respect to a larger threat. They would just accept the city being built with insufficient surge margin as one of a thousand things done differently one hundred years ago.

Nor would people rush to conclude that a one-time one foot rise in sea level was a high price to pay with what humanity has achieved in the last one hundred years.

Building too close to unpredictable water is an ageless human tradition.

I think it's poppycock to tie an amorphous process such as global warming to any specific counterfactual. There are many environmental carcinogens where we know it doubles the base rate, but we can't point to any one specific person and say "you died because of this".

It's unscientific in attitutude to dupe the public into thinking that science operates in these terms. One does not need a concrete case of cause and effect in order for a process to have real effects. Even if the sea level had declined by a foot, some storm somewhere would have been worse. I've never had much appetite for scientists drawn into PR.

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