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Comment Re:why not? (Score 1) 162

What reasons are there to NOT put them in?

The main reasons for pulling the change logs was the fear of putting the software in a bad light and risking ridicule, especially from the competition.

This is going to happen no matter what you do. If the competition is going to slander you, they will one way or another.

Another question is: Should I have facebook/twitter for my company, if the competetion [sic] can use it to slander us?

Better yet, why produce software at all, if people are just going to ridicule and criticise it?

I'm writing this in the hope that you point your management to this discussion and they realise what an incredibly childish move it would be to start hiding information just because people might talk about it. As a CTO, may I say the following: If you don't produce a changelog, and your company isn't one of about three or four whom I'm forced to live with on their terms, you're not getting through my front door. No questions, no discussion, nothing.

As Hamlet famously said: 'Tis better to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune than to be a secretive little shit that nobody likes.

Comment Re:He didn't understand how the Internet works (Score 1) 242

Well, speaking as a photographer, the thing about selling photographs on the internet is that you generally have to show people what they're about to buy. So right click and save image is always a possibility.

It doesn't work so well; if you use a small image size for sample purposes, and calculate the lowest resolution that is transparent for the size and sample medium selected, and then, you watermark your image samples. You can look at the sample, but not easily reuse it for publication --- as soon as you need to push it to a new medium, and expand the size; there will be quality issues.

I prefer to throw acid in my models' faces to ensure nobody will ever copy me again.

Okay seriously: I will never ever understand why photographers deliberately degrade their work in order to prevent copying. I say this as a photographer myself. I get a lot of business by sharing freely. Look, I get that we have to make a living, but defacing your own work is hardly the best way to advertise it. Musicians don't introduce noise or random silences in the MP3s they share. Writers don't include random gibberish in the middle of their online pieces*.

How hard is it to get that when you post something online, you have decided to share it? You can have any number of motivations: You might want to get exposure and publicity; you might want to get news services to pick it up; you might want to sell it as art. The first is free. The second, as this story makes clear, is easily managed via legal, not technical, means. The third... well, it's sufficient unto the day to solicit payment for the actual poster/book/print. If someone's too chintzy to lay out a few bucks for the real thing - they weren't your customer anyway.

any more than you'd take photos of paintings in a gallery and then sell prints of art you didn't own.

Makes sense that the curators don't allow cameras in art galleries, anyways

In what world does it make sense? Does anyone actually believe that, just because I've seen a photo of Monet's Waterloo Bridge, I won't ever again go to the National Gallery in London? Hint: Seeing the photo makes me more likely to want to go, not less.

* Brett Easton Ellis notwithstanding. But he's hardly a real writer.

Comment Re:Nearest neighbour (Score 1) 213

Australia's nearest neighbour was and is Papua New Guinea. You can almost walk from Papua to Australia at low tide (if you have very long legs).

Second nearest is Tasmania, followed by Indonesia.

You fail at geography, but you will never go thirsty at any Tasmanian pub. :-)

...And you might want to remember Timor Leste, which is about as close as Papua New Guinea.

Comment Re:Article Subject is WRONG (Score 4, Interesting) 114

This has nothing to do specifically with smartphones... they aren't allowing any "non-professional" media recording devices for the media. They obviously can still tweet/text/call at the events. It's the same as telling your fast food employees not to take pictures of customers food in the back with their cell phones. If they pull put a professional camera it looks better and nobody would complain. This isn't news, move along...

There is everything wrong with this. With recording as with all things, handsome is as handsome does. I have a photojournalist friend, recently returned from Afghanistan, whose primary camera is a little Canon point-and-shoot. You could scoff and talk about Good Enough, except that he's used a similar camera to provide a nice two page spread in Vanity Fair. Yes, he also walks around with a vintage Leica pano camera and a few other bits of exotic kit as well, but when it comes to getting shots, sometimes the best camera is the one you have in your hand.

Comment Re:It tried to follow the plot (Score 5, Interesting) 726

The movie, by contrast, discards every trace of what makes the book effective as a coming-of-age tale, replaces Heinlein's social model with a truly fascist one, and makes the military's leadership a clown college (Space marines using carbines against the Bugs? Really?), to boot. It has NOTHING to do with the book, besides sharing a title.

If you look at other 'serious' films that Verhoeven has directed, you'll quickly see that he's got a major bee in his bonnet about the effects of Nazism on his birthplace, the Netherlands. Take a look at Soldier of Orange or The Black Book. They're brilliant, subtle and morally complex treatments of life (and death) in a time when the world was turned upside down by a sadistic totalitarian regime.

Clearly, Verhoeven appropriated the frame that Starship Troopers provided for his own purposes: to satirise not only fascism and the incipient militarism of American society, but also the wanton war-porn that Hollywood loves so much. It is a bitter, bitter film.

Comment Re:Sure (Score 1) 167

.. If you enjoy losing your soul.

Brush up on the art of backstabbing, lying through your teeth, fake smiles, and keeping up appearances and you'll be successful in business.

The fact that you've been modded Flamebait for offering an honest, unvarnished (and embittered) opinion is, ironically, the strongest supporting evidence you could have asked for.

It's hard for some of us to come to terms with a world where much of what we do and say isn't dictated by deterministic, defined and empirically measurable phenomena. It takes a great deal of effort and learning to begin to understand what motivates people, how to deal with the vagaries and, importantly, how to get money from them.

But nothing I've seen convinces me that business school is a better place than any other to learn these things. Assuming you're a smart, agile-minded person with a modicum of dedication, most MBA programs won't challenge you in any serious way. So if you're willing to devote a year or two to really coming to grips with the world around you, I'd recommend working overseas, as far from home as you can reasonably go. It will pull you so far out of your frame that you'll see humans and their motivations in a different light. Learning how money comes from these insights is a pretty straightforward thing once you've got that.

Comment Re:Only time will tell... (Score 2, Interesting) 631

It's hard to predict.

Well, I'm not so sure about that. I predicted it back in 2011. Money quote:

Ubuntu is slipping out of control. Canonical have stopped listening and – more importantly – working with the community. The number of defects is growing, but Canonical’s response is to make it harder for mere mortals to submit bugs. They seem to think that strong guidance is needed for their product to grow in new and interesting ways. Fair enough, but they’re confusing leadership with control. They’re simply imposing their views because they don’t value the discussion. They’re treating criticism as opposition and shutting themselves off from valid feedback.

That's pretty much the argument being made in TFA, but I'm not going to try to take credit for oracular powers or anything. It's been pretty obvious for some time that they were on the wrong track.

Comment Re:Blackberry won't disappear completely (Score 1) 89

BYOD is a nice idea, but even from an employee's perspective, it doesn't make much sense.

Do you really want IT reading / archiving all non-work related emails and texts on your phone? No, you don't. Even if they're the most benign messages ever.

I get that the company may take a peek at my computer screen at work, or MITM my gChats or quick "Do you want to meet for lunch?" emails I send out on company time on company machines, but I don't want them downloading the entirety of my private mail account, backing it up and perusing it.

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