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Comment Someone stole my twitter auto follow builder. =] (Score 1) 74

Back in 2008 I wrote some greasemonkey / selenium script that automatically builds followers by following, posting and doing other various bot tasks. I ran it for a few hours and got bored. I could have been president by now! The chinese probably stole it from me and is using it against America! Encrypt your code damn it!

Comment Is this simple algorithm for encryption strong? (Score 0) 63

I wrote this simple data encryption / decryption algorition and am curious what anyone thinks of whether or not it is easy to crack, as my intent was to do the quickest, shortest thing that's good enough for now.

Looks like O(N^3) to me to decrypt, it's basically an accumulated increment and XOR shift. Being XOR I'd imagine that'd make it much more complex, and I can change the accumalation to something with more complexity and add a nounce. //Encryption of filedata[]
int iter=0;
int accum=0;
for(int di=0;difile.length();++di){
      accum+=(int)passwdString.charAt(iter++ % passwdString.length());
      filedata[di]^=(int)passwdString.charAt(iter % passwdString.length());
} //Decryption of filedata[]
int iter=0;
int accum=0;
for(int di=0;dif.length();++di){
    accum+=(int)passwdString.charAt(iter++ % passwdString.length());
    filedata[di]^=(int)passwdString.charAt(iter % passwdString.length());

Comment Using Drugs is Culture for Some (Score 1) 80

Where I grew up it's kind of like you are supposed to use drugs and no one really cares. Some Native Americans had drugs as culture for a very long time.

I will say this, that in modern society, drug use is not in line with a successful pathetic, but to some cultures, getting high all the time is the successful path. I've always felt that doing drugs all day every day isn't really that bad of a life, it's actually fun except for the way non users and the law hates on you, but what happens is most users will turn in to thieves and murders, hence is not usually a good world to be in, plus now a days most of the drugs are fake and not even the real thing and they are ripping off and destroying each other. Nearly all dealers eventually start serving false junk to destroy you. Their revenue model is to make money by serving you false junk that hooks you and ripping you and other dealers off.
That said, when I was a kid I did drugs nearly every day for a decade and magic mushrooms albiet an interesting escape with interesting visual effects it's essentially poisioning and dumbing down your system to process sliw and dumb. You can't be in public on shrooms and should be in nature for a 4 hour trip per dose. Also you kick off the high with a big joint of weed, and after it kicks off smoking any more weed is a waste as you can actually smoke limitless amounts of bud on pshrooms and it won't get you any higher so it's a waste. But what happens is cigarretes have the effect that bud normally has and all my friends agree that after kicking off the high cigarretes are actually better than joints until on the tail end of the peak of the high, but watch out because you will easily smoke several packs of cigarettes, enjoying the as if they were joints, then at the end you tail off with a bunch of bud.

Just the general consensus of all the dudes I grew up with, as where I'm from its not uncommon to pass the peace pipe around ritually like it's breakfast, and drugs literally don't have the same affect on use as others because our ancestors and children used all the time since we were kids. It's not like it's a question whether or not, it just is.

Comment These Tests were Unfair a long time ago (Score 1) 25

Some time around 1996 I was trying to get MCSD and they failed me by no more than 3 points 8 times on the last test. I had bought nearly every book on the subject. I have lost faith in these tests. There was even a question asking me if i'd suggest using Microsoft products or not to a client.

I think they just didn't want to give me the certification. I even asked to challenge it, and I was told I could only challenge a question.

Comment These IDE's just get int the way. (Score 2) 40

ADT and Android Studio just seem to get in the way for me. Many times, i've been troubled trying to compile apps with ADT and Android Studio. I used to have to create the project with ADT and Load it into Android studio sometime.

android create project straight from the shell just works better for me. Ant compiles quickly, why compiling with Android Studio just takes forever. Even this new gradle thing doesn't seem to work well. What is gradle supposed to buy me? I just want it to make, not download a bunch of crap first.

Comment Brick Machine (Score 1) 47

I've always enjoyed having a computer that's off and not even connected to the network, and watching people trying to hack my computer, while I'm fake typing and clicking. They seem to wonder what I'm doing and walk around to try to get a glimpse of my screen....

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