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Comment exclusives? (Score 1) 45

I don't get it, do exclusives really drive sales?

Why I would care about a game that's only available on one platform, even if I wan't to play it real bad it will not justify purchase of a console or whatever stadia is.

I still haven't played last of us and I really want to since apparently it's good, will I purchase ps4 for it? hell no, so why do they bother?

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 80

Your point is valid, however there are no public restrooms near google campus, near as in reachable walking distance, there's a gas station and a shop close by but you need to know where to go, which tourists probably don't.

While we were there no one cared about their bikes (they are shit) nor wanted to go to their restrooms.

Comment Re:advice on Linux alternatives? (Score 1) 829

Just pick debian netinst and go with whatever WM + login manager you like.
I'd recommend xfce4 + slim, my grandma find it easier to use than LXDE.
wicd-curses is an easy to use wi-fi manager.
I dont have any auto-updates configured and they are done when I come over.
Can't help you with other points as I've have none/too little experience with that.

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