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Comment Old Computers (Score 1) 155

I installed a SSD and Windows 10 on an old Core i3-2100 computer with 4 GB of RAM and it actually runs well. No hardware compatibility issues, no performance slowdown, and obviously the SSD made it much snappier. So why should MSFT be allowed to forcibly sunset huge amounts of older computer hardware, much of which is way more powerful than this old office computer? And why should anyone be forced to go along with it? It really seems like they're abusing their monopoly position and resulting in massive ewaste.

The only way people will upgrade to W11 is when their old computers die and they're forced to buy a new one pre-installed with W11. And the stats are showing this is going to be an incredibly slow process.

Comment Re: Lana? (Score 1) 215

In America men are reviled and women worshipped as perfect angels. Kids grow up with this sort of culture ingrained into them. It's not surprising they blame their gender on mental issues.

Comment Re: Lana? (Score 1) 215

I agree with you. The way Lana handled the 4th movie reeks of instability. Indecision, changing schedules, blowing through money to produce a Syfy quality movie. Completely retconning the One and wrecking the canon lore just to give Trinity powers for no reason. He's more concerned with preaching his bizarre gender beliefs than creating a good story, consumed with these shallow interpretations of the human soul.

Comment No Wachowskis (Score 1) 215

Please get Lana away from this. Matrix 4 was an atrocity and an insult to everyone's childhood memories. There's something wrong with him/her. Some sort of mental instability and general incompetence when it comes to making movies.

Also Keanu needs to get rid of the beard. I know he doesn't want to show off his wrinkles but they can adjust that in post-production. It doesn't work with the clean machine-world of the Matrix.

Comment Re:Well Shite (Score 1) 107

Lol are you serious? Insider trades happen all the time and no one cares. Do you have any idea how many giant option purchases are made just before a huge spike or drop in a stock before anyone else knows the news? The SEC doesn't have the budget to pursue each and every trade. And this one is small time at best. 71%? Meta gained 71% in a few months.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
