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Comment we're field testing an electric truck (Score 1) 156

I work for one of the top 5 American carriers, and we have (last I heard) two electric trucks in field testing. They run loads around a major port city, because the batteries won't let them take trips with longer range. Can't have a rig stuck in the middle of nowhere with dead batteries. We're watching development, of course, but don't foresee it being practical for 18-wheelers for at least a decade or two.

Comment Re:It's really a low IQ thing (Score 1) 997

At a basic level the right celebrates authority (everyone in the tribe works together) while the left embraces individuality (everybody free to be themselves). This means the right tends to believe their authorities without question, while the left tends to question everything.

Dude, seriously?

The right (traditionally) is individualistic. They support gun rights in case the authority gets out of control and starts usurping their rights.

The left promotes central authority. Of everything. More money to government programs, "it takes a village", etc.

That said, one has to draw a distinction between the paleoconservative/libertarian right (the traditional branch mentioned above) and the neoconservative right (who also want to expand central authority, just with different aims than the left).

Comment SE or iPod Touch (Score 1) 58

If I were to get a smartphone, I'd be very interested in the SE or its successor. The 5/6 is at the sweet spot of big-enough screen to be useful for "smart" features, but small-enough to be a decent portable phone. There is precisely 0 chance I'll ever buy the 8 or X.

Right now, I'd be very happy with an iPod Touch refresh. Last refresh was after a three year wait. This summer will be three years from the last one. Either a new one gets introduced, or it is discontinued and the prices drop to clear them out. Either way, I want to scoop one up.

Comment Re:About damn time? (Score 1) 155

Again, Apple is prioritizing the wrong thing.

When the Air pushed out the old MacBook, I wondered why anyone would pay more for a less powerful machine, made more expensive by using miniaturized parts, just to shave ounces off the weight (and look "cool"). Now they're doubling down on light/"cool" at the expense of affordability (again), performance (again), and flexibility.

We have a 2012 MBP we bought refurbed in 2013. We use both USBs all the time. We use the SD slot all the time. We use the optical drive fairly regularly. I just replaced the HD with a SSD, and I hope it doesn't fail anytime soon because Apple has nothing to replace it for the way we work.

Comment frustrated by Air (Score 1) 152

I hate the Air. It's a great machine for its purposes, sure, but it stole the "low end" position from the MacBook a few years later. While it definitely has "low end" components, miniaturized to achieve its size goals, that miniaturization does not lead to a low-end price. Apple does not make it easy to get into Mac hardware on a budget. The Mini suffers the same problem. Shrinking components to hit a size goal leave me with an underpowered machine at the price point I'm looking at. Smallness is not a feature I'm particularly interested in. It's like paying a double Apple premium. It's frustrating to be a "bang for the buck" shopper and every option available is dressed up with glitz I don't want.

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