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Comment Re:Posting for Posterity (A love letter to /.) (Score 1) 76

They all missed the chance to buy for pennies and will be forever salty. Mark my words though, the day will come when landlords, farmers and other suppliers won't sell their products for slips of dirty green paper with numbers written on and they will have to begrudgingly buy in or perish.

Comment been a great decade for me with my carputer (Score 1) 207

I installed a computer into my car in 2010. It's been great. I can download any youtube video and play it loud in my car. I never pay for music and I never hear a commercial once I get the video into my car. I'm basically my own mobile DJ. I can select the next song or I can let it shuffle or I can play a playlist. Its just a windows 7 computer that turns on and off with the car. A 7 inch screen in the dash where the radio knobs used to be and I have a mouse I use on the middle console while driving. I didn't talk about it at first because I figured people would assume it's worse than texting but after ten years without causing any property damage I think I can let ya'll in on the worlds best kept secret.

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