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Comment Re:Information-Free Article (Score 1) 92

It's quite simple. You take your scene, slice and dice it into triangles, even parametric surfaces like NURBS, subdivision surfaces used by Pixar, 3D models from 3Dmax, Maya, Blender. All of that gets converted into textures, material shaders and geometry mesh. The geometry mesh gets chopped up into a hierarchical bounding volume like a kd-tree. All of this can be stored in a data format loaded straight into the GPU or CPU cache. It's all vectors, matrices and parametric coordinates. Separate processors are assigned to process each pixel and do thing like supersampling, ambient occlusion, global illumination, caustics and radiosity. Nvidia have their Optix ray-tracing library. Intel have Embree.

Comment Re: The fundamental principle isn't cost-avoidance (Score 4, Interesting) 92

Unfortunately, many of those patents for performance enhancing features using out-of-order execution were based on a single research paper. That was implemented in one CPU vendor design, then cross-patented to other CPU vendors. RISC-V has the advantage that it doesn't have those vulnerabilities baked in and built upon.

Comment Re:Ripples, echos, aftershocks (Score 4, Interesting) 263

Given that massively heavy objects in space stretch space time, then it seems logical that a quasar could actually create it's own massive gravity well. From our perspective, looking straight at that gravity well, the quasar would appear to be billions of light-years away than it really it. If for any reason, it suddenly disintegrated into lots of smaller objects in the same way of a cloud of a sparks created by a magicians disappearing trick, then that gravity well would suddenly disappear and be replace with the stars of a a galaxy. Then that galaxy of stars would appear to be way closer than the quasar.

Comment Re:Temporary (Score 1) 281

It was discussed in the past on slashdot. The price an energy provider can charge depends on two prices. When supply exceeds demand, it's the cheapest provider who dictates the price. Everyone will trying undercutting each other to their minimum profit margin. When demand exceeds supply is the most expensive provider who dictates the price. Everyone else can charge up to that price. The costs depend on spin up time to heat up the systems: renewable > gas > nuclear > coal

Comment Re:Cheaper solar and wind (Score 2) 281

You use the surplus energy generated from your renewal systems to push water uphill (potential energy), or to charge up batteries (electrical energy), spin up flywheels (kinetic energy), compress gas (kinetic energy), charge up hydrogen fuel cells (chemical energy). Then you release energy from these sources when you need it.

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