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Submission + - How do I get off? 2

MooseMiester writes: I'm tired of Slashdot. It's fallen from glory, and has become the same stories every day with the same arguments. I've spent the last hour trying to stop the daily email, uncheck all the selection boxes, even delete my account to no avail.

In the Settings section the save button doesn't function if you uncheck your options, they just come right back.

So how do I get off this thing? Marking the daily email as spam seems so very wasteful.

Comment Re:Trump was right (Score 2) 225

You have it 2/3 right. C) News is a PRODUCT design to generate the highest CPC and CPI revenue. It only matters that it SPREADS not that it is TRUE. Pissing people off is very profitable, people who are pissed off leave comments (more ad revenue, this is why the page refreshes to load the comments section and scrolls to the top). So stories are designed to piss off liberals or conservatives. Think I'm wrong? It applies to 90% of what the slash dot editors post here, including this story.....

THEY don't want you talking about this. THEY don't want you publicizing this. What better strategy than to fan the flames of division?

Comment Re:Steve Jobs Emulators (Score 1) 306

Yep. Management is hard, and most people suck at it. Managing isn't barking orders and sitting back with your feet on your desk, which is what most workers think. You can't learn to code from a book, or sell from a book, or manage from a book -- you have to get out there and fail, fail, and fail again.

Comment Re: The Russians. (Score 1) 442

I wrote two sentences in my first post. Two. Seems to me you have a desperate need to arrogantly assert your talking points, and are incapable of understanding that you've offended someone plus incapable of understanding that fuck off means fuck off and leave me alone.

Comment Re: The Russians. (Score 1) 442

Where did I blame the hurricane on the media? Where?

Do you watch the media, or just read web sites that talk about it? They are bunch of whores. It's no wonder so many people stay behind.

And how long was it before the Hurricane was politicized? One second? Half a second? How long before it was "Oh here comes Trumps Katrina?" How long before the global warming questions were raised? One quarter of a second?

A very close family member lost their house in Harvey and barely got out with their lives. Fuck off. You're an internet ass of the worst sort.

Comment Re: The Russians. (Score 1) 442

Irma was the strongest in terms of number of days of sustained winds but NOT the strongest in terms of barometric pressure. But don't let those facts trip up the media's desperate need to push an agenda while throwing gasoline on every fire.

Comment Re:Three possibilities (Score 1) 267

The big "D" is the city run by Democrats for 40 years. They haven't done a very good job. Have you been to Germany? Have you seen how the Merkel government is destroying the country? Have you worked directly with German Corporations? I find them to be little different than corporations here. I think you've read into the fantasy about how great Europe is compared to the USA. Funny thing, they all think we are pretty darn special too. It's the "grass is always greener" syndrome. I'd prefer to live in a country where I'm not taxed 50%.

The first problem I see is that you've been brainwashed into the "We are the good guys, the other guys are the bad guys". Truth is both sides have good ideas and bad ideas. The second problem, that you're clearly wed to, as was I when I was young, is that "the establishment" which is now rebranded as "evil corporations" are the enemy, who's wealth is undeserved and should be confiscated by the good guys and given to the needy. This is rebranded communism, it's only killed around 100 million people in the last hundred years, and yet it continues to dupe people into the feel good part of it. Take a trip over to Eastern Europe, or Russia, and talk to people who actually lived under this system. And please spare me the liberal "Oh they just didn't do it right" nonsense.

But I digress. Yes, I'm clearly older than you, because I am a realist and you are a dreamer. I now realize that I was young and foolish once, whereas you clearly think you have all the answers. No worries, you'll figure it out. For the record I don't support either party, I used to be a die hard Democrat, just like you, but I woke up and realized that they were the evil party and the GOP was the stupid party. I vote for the best candidate and ignore the letter next to the name. Trump has done some stupid shit, and he's done some really good things. Hillary would have done what the Clintons always do, which is not in the Countries best interest, it's in theirs. Sanders would have been a much better candidate, but he got shafted by the DNC. There's something worth getting mad about.

People have been trading with each other for a very long time, business is what people do, it's no more psychopathic than breathing. Governments have been telling big lies to enrich the pockets of the leaders just as long. Try, just try to engage in some critical thinking, rather than all that emotional hate speech that stirs your heart but rots your brain. It was nice being insulted by you. Now I know you have to have the last word so go for it.

Comment Re:Three possibilities (Score 1) 267

We have a saying in the big "D": What's the difference between the mafia, the UAW, the Auto Companies, and the Government?

The answer is that there is no difference.

But the real difference is that with business, you know what they want and how they behave. They exist to serve their stockholders. The Union wants to preserve it's existence. The Mafia and the Government, on the other hand, serve no purpose except to control you, rob from you, and force you to pay them, The problem you liberals have is you have this fantasy belief that somehow a large group of humans working in a group labeled as "government" are somehow entirely different from a large group of humans labeled as "corporation". The ultimate goal of modern leftism is to convert the system of kleptocracy into one of one gigantic government, while at the same time railing against monopolies - with this foolish, naive belief that there are these benevolent people who have all our best interest at heart. There are no such people. And the people who tell you that is who they are - they are liars.

It's not an insult to tell someone they are young and foolish when it's coming from a person who was once young and foolish. Your post was foolish. I'm sorry, but that's my opinion, sir. Because you want to classify groups of humans as being somehow completely different from each other, which is, by the way, the very definition of racism. But I understand you've been brainwashed to believe that corporations are evil and government is somehow benevolent, when, in fact, government is the most evil corporation of all.

Comment Re:Journalists should not do math (Score 1) 267

OR the government (local, state, federal) has become so greedy and so completely screwed up that they have actually created most of this mess. But that is a very unpopular notion if you believe that the word government and solution belong in the same sentence. Maybe, just maybe, the politicians - who during this time have become fabulously wealthy - who are the ones spinning these tales where it's not their fault...

Comment Re:Three possibilities (Score 0) 267

So you have no savings and no desire to save. When you shop for things you pay no attention to price. Given the choice between two products, you pick the one with the highest price, even 100% more, based on the builder's values. You work at the lowest wage your employer will pay.

If all of this is true, good for you, but I have bad news you're in a teenie tiny minority. Or very young and extremely naive. Or brainwashed. Or both.

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