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Comment Re:#MAGA (Score 1, Insightful) 346

You seemingly don't realize that this is just a tax on American citizens... There is no "American-made" alternative to most of these components, so it will serve only to raise the prices Americans are forced to pay while the countries of production don't notice a difference.

The reason there is no American alternative is because, although all of this was designed in the US, China used it's slave labor force to build this stuff by people required to work 14+ hour days. And every time American ingenuity came up with a way to compete with the slave labor force, the Chinese government changed the exchange rate to make sure we weren't competitive. Who needs a tariff when you control the exchange rate?

Comment Re:more pc stupidity (Score 5, Interesting) 1342

good fucking god. you stupid fucking pc idiots are ruining the world for the majority.

So what's next.... No more /sbin/kill for processes?

Ya know, any app that has "client" in the name probably refers to prostitution... Thats got to go too.

Oh My God! /usr/bin/touch promotes sexual assult. That's got to go too.

totem is going to offend Native Americans....

mount is sexist also....

reject.. That's going to hurt someones feelings, GONE.
Fuck it, lets just burn all the computers and go back to using bows and arrows, and hunting in the woods.....

Comment Re:Another judge legislating from the bench (Score 3, Interesting) 418

The judge says you can't download the files from defense distributed The files are readily available.

Along with the spec's for a AR15. But those are legal because they're not in cad format. For someone who's worked a c&c lathe, that's not a big obstacle.

An all plastic gun is already illegal to have. They are supposed to set off metal detectors. IIRC 10 years federal, same as an unlicensed machine gun/guided missile.

And these guns do have a metal firing pin, so they are legal from this argument.

It is not illegal to make a gun. It's illegal to make a gun and sell it.. But, what if you make the gun, use it for 20 years, give it to your son, and he sells it?

Comment Re:Yay! more Trump stories (Score 1) 475

3 of the last 5 stories on Slashdot's home page are anti-Trump election pieces. Going for a new record?

Yay! more of Trumps inner circle have been convicted of felonies. Yay!
Oh, how is that swamp draining going?

Former campaign manager Paul Manafort
Former deputy campaign manager Rick Gates
Former national security adviser Michael Flynn
Former personal lawyer Michal Cohen

All now convicted of felonies.

And yet, none of Hillary's crimes have ever had a conviction, and none of the people associated with her have ever been convicted.
Trump associates are being targeted. Notice how they're going after 5-10 year old tax law violations, stuff that would normally be a fine and as slap on the wrist for first convictions.
Do you really think that if they had anything on Trump, they'd be sitting on it?

Comment Re:Really? (Score 2, Interesting) 475

Hush Money is illegal if it comes out of campaign funds. It is not illegal if it comes out of other sources. This money did not come out of campaign funds, so Cohen is a idiot. That's easily traced.
Lots of lawsuits are full of hush money. Cohen is either really stupid, or is trying to stick it to Trump.

Comment Re:Brand new phone, but OS isn't up to date (Score 1) 197

Samsung is likely working on an update for this very reason. My Note 5 got a couple of Android versions though the years I owned it.

I've become disillusioned with samsung phones. They provide updates for a year, and maybe you'll get a update in the second year if a really bad exploit happens. Sometime in the 3rd year, it will start working like crap because the cell phone infrastructure is always changing.
Google is better for that second year, but....
Phone manufacturers need to be held responsible to update software for 5 years. They don't want to do that though because they want you to buy a new phone every year.

Comment Re:20 years is reasonable. (Score 1) 64

I think there are 2 reforms that need to happen with our patent system here in the states.

1. Use it or lose it. End patent trolling for good.
2. Limited applications. Half the reason we have so many dumbass patents (rounded corners, swipe left ect..) is because we allow giant companies to apply for patents en-mass. Apply for 500 frivolous patents a day. if even one gets approved a quarter, you can unleash the lawyers and recoup the cost of all of the failed applications and rent seek for another 20 years. If you can afford huge upfront cost, or already have the lawyers for doing your legit patents, you gotta keep em busy.

Well stated. The cost for getting a patent hasn't increased in cost, relative to the economy. It would reduce the frivolous patents, and the funds could be used to hire more patent reviewers to filter out the crap patents.

Comment Re:Patents Suck (Score 1) 64

Patents don't suck.
Software patents do suck. Software is mathematical, and should be excluded from patent-ability.

Hardware patents protect the little guy. For example, the little guy thinks up, designs, builds and starts selling a better widget.

Without patents, the big company, see's it and copies it, and sells it before the little guy can get off the ground. Patents were originally meant to protect the inventor.

Patents still work for the hardware and other engineers that design hardware type stuff.

But for software, that builds on other software ( called libraries, etc ) patents do suck.

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