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Comment Known for years (Score 3, Interesting) 199

This is has been known for years among researchers who study healthcare. I am thrilled that media outlets are finally reporting on this. This problem will persist as long as we allow for-profit organizations in healthcare. We need to change to a system that puts the emphasis on patient care instead of profit. Moving to a single-payer (Medicare for All) healthcare system would allow us to place the emphasis on patient care and provide many other advantages.

Comment Very Little Effect (Score 1) 75

I don't think better screens will affect purchases that much, if at all. IMO, most people don't buy laptops for better screens, and I know that has not affected my decision to buy a laptop. Perhaps if I were an artist that needed a good screen to show off my portfolio. If I needed a really good screen, I would want a desktop with a bigger screen than a laptop. Battery life is what concerns me the most when I buy a laptop.

Comment False Assumption (Score 4, Insightful) 132

Reason.com is working from a false assumption, that private industry can always do things better than the government. We only need to look at healthcare in the U.S. to see that private industry doesn't always do things better than the government. In our peer countries, the government-run healthcare systems get better overall health outcomes, cover everybody, and have lower costs. Important industries have been funded with government research, and then we let private industry take over when the technology becomes affordable. For example, that has happened with the airline industry and the internet, and I'm not sure that we are better off with private industry in charge.

Comment Re:Monopoly is required (Score 1) 30

"If you breakup the monopoly held by UNOS, the situation would be far worse. Different rules, different requirements, basically it would be a horrendous mess." Just like our currently horrendously messy U.S. healthcare system. It's not so much the monopoly that is the problem, but that we don't have one set of standards for the whole country. If we went to a single-payer healthcare system with electronic health record (EHR) systems that could interchange data, we could have a more efficient system. Having one standardized EHR system would be even better.

Comment Re:Need Single-payer healthcare (Score 1) 208

Yes, I do know what I am talking about. You are right, Medicare has co-pays and coinsurance, and they can be expensive. My guess is that you purchased a Medicare Advantage plan that has deductibles, co-pays, and coinsurance. You can almost eliminate those costs with a good Supplemental (Medigap) plan. I also think that you did not really need your health insurance before Medicare and never really had to use it for anything serious.

Medicare for All (M4A), as proposed in H.R. 1976, eliminates out-of-pocket costs (deductibles, co-pays, and coinsurance) so it would be free at the point of service. Premiums would also be eliminated. M4A would be paid for with taxes. More than 90 percent of households would be would save money and the increase in taxes would be less, sometimes substantially less, than what they currently pay in premiums and out-of-pocket costs.

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