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Comment Gulf Stream (Score 1) 161

The Gulf Stream, a significant ocean current (see, has long had a moderating effect on EU climate. That's why you can grow tulips in Holland and British gardens are so easy. The Gulf Stream has been significantly South of it's historic path. I defer to the scientists discussing the Arctic, but have to believe the Gulf Stream is part of the reason. Or perhaps the warming Arctic is part of what is pushing the Gulf Stream South.

Comment CA seems at fault (Score 1) 96

Here's what I know for sure. Shippers are moving ships with cargo through the Panama Canal to US East Coast ports. . I can see more traffic on Chesapeake Bay heading to Baltimore.

What I have seen reported but can't confirm: CA environmental regulations on OTR trucks are having a major impact on the number of tractors that are allowed to pick up loads.

Comment Re:A paying proposition? (Score 1) 165

Renewables are the future

And that would be what exactly. Not solar. Not wind. Look at the rare earth minerals to build panels and wind generators. Back to the mines. Look at the impact of all the new transmission infrastructure. Service life. Poor recycling ratios.

Nuclear looks best but not renewable either and still disposal issues to sort out.

Comment "Better?" (Score 2) 143

Let's look a little more carefully. The mission statement of Impossible Foods is "We’re on a mission to save meat, and earth." Nothing in there about making good food, or food that is good for people. In fairness you can make an argument that people are in the way of saving meat and the planet, so feeding them awful stuff that isn't particularly healthy and causes them to lose the will to live could be considered 'on mission.'

A Burger King Whopper is healthier than a Burger King Impossible Whopper. Neither will win any prizes of course. My very limited exposure to Impossible Food product has been unpleasant. They taste pretty awful. The salt content is enough to make your tongue curl up and going looking for a dark, quiet place to lie down for a week or two.

When I eat vegetables, I'm going to eat vegetables that taste like vegetables, not some chemical paste that strives to substitute for something else and fails miserably.

There's always Soylent Green.

Comment Is there more than one Amazon? (Score 1) 44

During the height of the pandemic I didn't see a lot of price hikes among products "sold by Amazon," not to be confused with Amazon resellers. We shifted some hardware purchases from Home Depot and True Value to Amazon until those companies got their acts together and curbside pickup working. We shifted from a pet store that never did get their act together (and ballooned prices) to Amazon for kitty litter. There was no more than normal price variability, and at one point we stocked up on kitty litter when the Amazon price dropped through the floor (thank you camelcamelcamel). I recall following some links to Amazon resellers who had their storefronts closed due to price gouging. We got surgical masks from Amazon at reasonable prices when the local vendors were charging absurd prices.

Amazon, Sam's Club, True Value (after initial missteps), Giant Food (US Midatlantic), and West Marine were our dependable sources for things we needed at normal or near normal prices. What the heck are y'all buying that were expensive from Amazon?

Comment I don't think so (Score 0) 222

This looks like something a political visionary would conceive. No engineers have been harmed or even consulted. P = I^2*R. You think oil pipelines are big? Wait until you see "wires" for these sorts of loads. Let's not forget heat: you think fossil fuel impacts climate? Wait until you see the shed heat from power losses in transmission. How will voltage stablization requirements ever be met without multiple supply voltages (massive engineering expense there) or conversion at point of service (inefficient and expensive and hot).

Nuclear is the answer for a carbon-free grid but NIMBY and stupidity will prevent that.

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