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Comment Re:ISA mandatory in EU since July 2022 (Score 2) 362

They're only advisory. "Standard" German sports cars are still being made with a 155 mph limiter which is a Gentleman's agreement between BMW, M-B, and VWAG going back decades. They'll do that speed through the whole country even though that would only be legal on the Autobahn, even the 2022 and newer models.

Comment Re:Keeping people miserable (Score 1) 119

In previous years, strikes that affected the infrastructure could be overridden by the president. Specifically, Reagan ordered air traffic controllers back to work, and then fired 12K of them when they didn't. Other examples come to mind.

This is nonsense. Air traffic controllers were federal employees at that time. The president has no power to break any strikes in the private workplace, not that there's even one here in the first place.

So with that in mind, couldn't the president simply put more longshoremen to work by executive order, citing national security and other reasonable reasons?

Executive orders direct a federal agency to take some action. What federal agency is it that you think he should issue orders to?
You're just making things up because you have no idea how any of this works.

I still don't see how this situation doesn't have a quick fix.

That's because you don't understand it at all.

Comment Re:The false positive on Covid-19 is worse? (Score 3, Interesting) 238

It doesn't seem to have anything to do with posting frequency or subscribing. I've been getting mod points regularly for a very long time and post 5 times a year most years. However, I am a regular reader almost every day, and almost always use all of my points. I also have a tendency to use under and overrated more frequently than others, suggesting I am metamoderated less than average? Take these data points for what you will

Comment Re:"but today most developed countries ban it" (Score 1) 212

Asbestos wrap was very popular with mechanics when you needed to heat up parts and hopefully avoid lighting the vehicle on fire, of course now the only real option you have is soaking shop rags in water and with luck that'll get you through whatever you're heating up

Accepting that it's not quite as fireproof as asbestos, why won't Kevlar or Nomex work for this? At the very least, if you're gonna be doing a rag soak method, why not use a 'rag' that is itself relatively fire resistant rather than what I would assume is cotton or poly blend or something.

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