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Comment Re:Meanwhile in other countries... (Score 4, Interesting) 280

I spoke to one of those people. He got really, really sick, but survived. This muppet told me, and I am not exaggerating even a little bit, that he got sick from some kind of virus. It wasn't COVID, though, because COVID doesn't exist.

Every time an Alex Jones supporter dies, the average IQ of the United States edges up just a little.

Comment Re:Sounds about right (Score 1) 137

The rest of Europe doesn't need anything from England now, but if England hadn't been around in the middle of the last century, most of the continent would still be sucking Nazi dick and hunting down the last few remaining Jews.

So yeah, these days England is pretty much used up, but Europe still owes it a debt of gratitude.

Comment Not a difficult task, I think (Score 0) 34

When you hear a Republican talk about protecting children, with their party full of child molesters...that's when you have to laugh. It might not be a happy laugh, but nevertheless, you have to admire their audacity.

If you have access to party affiliation, this algorithm will not be difficult to write.

Comment American exceptionalism at its best (Score 2, Interesting) 163

Once again, the United States of America leads the world in a new direction. This magnificent democracy will soon be the first country in history to voluntarily leave the First World community of nations to proudly become a Third World country. Preventable diseases afflicting the population: check. High infant mortality: check. Widespread poverty: check. Hungry children: check. Rigid social stratification: check. Police routinely beating, murdering and intimidating citizens with impunity: check, check and check. Not much left to do. They really need to get busy on finishing the destruction of public education and cementing corporate control of mass media to complete the transition.

Comment Coming Soon... (Score 3, Interesting) 49

I'd love to know the Indian version of "Mike Hunt", "Hu Fharded", "Hubicha Kokov", "Won-hung Fat" and a bunch more. I bet they'll become rather common names on the files of VPN companies if the Indian government gets away with this. It would be much better, of course, if the VPNs just moved beyond the reach of Indian law, and left it to potential clients to find them if they can. There's no point in having a VPN if all it's doing is turning your personal data over to a religious nutcase like Narinder Modi.

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