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Comment The Guardian is wrong. (Score 1) 196

The research paper says heat pumps provide "efficient heating" where temperatures rarely fall below -10CÂ. Where temperatures approach -30ÂC, heat pumps provide efficiency up to double that of resistive heating, not gas. "The standard heat pumps investigated in this commentary demonstrate suitable coefficients of performance for providing efficient heating during cold winters where temperatures rarely fall below â'10ÂC, i.e., most of Europe. In extreme cold climates, such as where the lowest temperatures approach â'30ÂC, performance data have shown that heat pumps can provide heat at efficiencies up to double that of resistive heating; however, more analysis is required."

Comment It may be wrong, but... (Score 4, Insightful) 119

It may be wrong, but it gives me ideas and is excellent at looking up obscure function calls, support files, and weird syntax. Just don't copy and paste without verifying the code. ChatGPT has saved me a lot of hours, even though it does not provide much directly usable code.

Comment This list is seriously flawed. (Score 1) 84

There are some highly unrealistic results here. For example, VB usage shot up in 2020 from below Javascript to more than double it in a single month? RPG in the top 50? There is very little correspondence between this list and stackoverflow tags.

The dataset for these statistics must be tiny, or maybe their methodology includes the use of a random number generator, good for clickbait.

Comment 100% (Score -1) 133

That's good, but they're not quite independent of fossil fuel. Their generating capacity is 100%+ of their usage. For windmills, The electricity generated is quite a bit less than capacity.

They also don't mention what, if anything, they use for storage -- batteries? Water reservoirs? Maybe that's why they're shooting for 200% in 2040.

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