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Comment Re:Heat and drought not the only causes (Score 1, Offtopic) 70

Yup - those that overinvest in solar and wind are bound to experience the same thing as Alberta, Canada (by far the largest investor in those energy sources in Canada). On Saturday January 13, they experienced and emergency alert for residents to reduce their power usage. From the article: “You had, for much of Alberta, the coldest night in 50 years, you had a particularly acute low wind event, and last night a lack of import availability because of a lot of pressures on the Saskatchewan grid and on the B.C. grid at the same time as we were facing pressures. Add to that the unexpected outage of a gas plant. That alone puts you there” (from an environmental professor at a university). Since then, the province has had to enact legislation to limit the reliance on these technologies for something as important as the primary power grid.

This is not about ideology, this is about proven, reliable, and safe energy systems being replaced by ideologues who don’t understand the safety criticality of such systems.

Comment Re:I get it, he doesn't like introverts (Score 1) 112

I've been saying for a long time that the pinnacle of value (and therefore salary) in education nowadays is exactly this - merging almost any two expertise's together, and you get into some true niche markets that command insanely high wages. Have a CompSci degree? Go get a law degree and you'll be an expert in IP and technology law worth millions (actually Law pairs well with any other profession).

Comment Re:One thing's for certain (Score 0) 198

Why on earth would that be certain? Price is used to increase or decrease demand as necessary. I get the it’s only natural for the non-business audience here to assume “teh evil corporationz” would only ever increase prices but that’s not how it works at all. If I was an executive, I’d be looking first to lower prices and entice extra demand during the lowest sales periods. As other posters have noted, there’s only so many more nickels Wendy’s could charge now at their highest prices before consumers walk. On the flip side, the fixed cost of keeping my restaurant open during the slowest hour (wages, security, utilities) are far outpaced by the few cents of ingredients in their average meal. Selling two $4 burgers in that slow hour is far more profitable than selling one normally $5 burger.

Comment Re:Covid ... (Score 1) 311

Whether individuals heed the proper advice aside, the debate of government mandates vs safety is still a valid one. The US could reliably save ten people’s lives per year if they banned skydiving. I could very convincingly argue skydiving provides no utility or benefit to society; hence, why do we allow people the freedom to do it. Yes, the numbers are greater with COVID, but where specifically do you draw the line? Is it the risk to other people? Then why don’t we have more limits on personal driving? It’s all tradeoffs where the disagreements are valid.

Comment Re:Lots of conjecture (Score 1) 311

Fentanyl. The year 2020 coincides with a massive spike in the opioid overdose epidemic. It n many Canadians jurisdictions, more people died of fentanyl overdoses in 2020 than Covid. Two ways to look at it: without lockdowns perhaps that many people died of covid, but the other side (rightly) blames the lockdown for many of those deaths, simply because it forced people into doing their opioids in isolation without oversight.

Whether it accounted for all the excess deaths or not, just saying “must be covid!” without any further study is a very anti-science stance. We at least know a very good proportion of those excess deaths were from fentanyl.

Comment Re:No surprises there (Score 1) 343

Love how this nonsense is modded up. Peeling off the line only appeals to vehicle buyers in their teens and early 20s. Amazing acceleration has always been known as one of the “cool” factors of EVs, but when it gets to the important parts for most buyers, there’s at least the honest “it’s not the most convenient”.

Comment Re:Unionize (Score 4, Insightful) 53

Having a union in no way prevents layoffs, it only means the company is forced to layoff people strictly according to seniority. That means regardless of performance, fit, or need, the youngest or most recently hired employees will be let go first. How does that help anyone? The seniority based systems unions demand are atrocious 99% of the time.

Comment Indigenous peoples (Score 1) 25

The wording of this article tells me all I need to know. They make pretend like there’s a special class of people who magically have greater morality than others. I’ve dealt with indigenous people the world over - and they are all about the money as much as anyone else. This whole article is fantasy thinking that we have magical fantasy guardians out there, for the things people who never leave the city feign to hold dear to themselves.

Comment Re:Duh... (Score 1) 155

“Monoculture”, “razed every few years” - just have to say these are most clearly the thoughts of someone who never spends time in a forest or a logging area. Trees across any large section of forest are almost invariably the same species, the biodiversity is what grows beneath. And clear cut sections are recut anywhere from 30-60 years after replanting.

Comment Re:Conspiracy theorists FTW... Again (Score 1) 90

As much as it seems like it, I actually don't believe there's a conspiracy here. Like my grandma always used to say "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". Seems much more likely from what I've seen, is that these people truly are so full of themselves, they think they are saving the world by coming up with ways to tell us how to live our lives.

Their biggest problem is that their not our managers or bosses, and without compensating us, they have no right to expect anything from us (and further, a good way for someone to ignore you out of spite). The only way they could actually accomplish any of the things they wish is to actually be leaders, which involves you know, leading the way. As others rightfully point out, jetting the world over eating fancy foods is not the way to accomplish that.

Comment Re:I don't know if there's a good answer (Score 1) 503

Likewise I have to agree with free speech, it at least lets us know who the idiots are.

I can understand the plight of both sides here from a theoretical basis too, but there’s a pragmatic reality that needs to be acknowledged. Israel exists, and that’s not going to change. None of the people who are fighting for a return of “Palestinian” land were even around to experience displacement, thus it’s a learned hatred. This would be like indigenous reservation launching terrorist attacks against Canadian cities today; none of us would or should find that acceptable. The lines have been drawn, even if through force in a past life. There have been many many chances to find a peaceful coexistence, which will never happen if one side still wants to slaughter the other in the name of fights their great grandparents had.

Comment Re: Genocide (Score 3, Insightful) 503

I don’t have any attachment to nor predisposition to believe either side here. That said, weighing all information I’ve seen from all sources, it seems clear that Hamas both uses sensitive civilian locations (hospitals,schools,etc) as military bases and also that they use children to carry out attacks. It also seems pretty clear they do these things in order to establish the narrative you believe in when defending themselves. Who knows but I’ll say this - perhaps the day Israel releases video of them arbitrarily slaughtering people and cheering it on as happened Oct 7, and I’ll put more than zero stock in your arguments.

Comment Re:Is this what I think it is? (Score 1, Flamebait) 503

Their responses are equivocal in a situation they should not be, and so for most intents and purposes I’d side with Ackerman here and say this moral rot at the top is part of the problem. That said, as we’ve seen before, one side of this altercation is all too willing to use horrific violence and terrorism to achieve their end, so perhaps I don’t blame them for holding their words when they have a campus to go back and work on. Scary stuff - I’ve never witnessed such an open call for hate against one group in my life in North America, and I’m no spring chicken. And where are the folks who are supposed to fight against hate? Right there chanting with the haters. We all knew this was true about the modern left - there’s no principles, just falling in line with the group ideology. For all the problems with the political right, the left is much scarier now.

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