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Comment Here we go again (Score 1) 95

So he has no proof but he believes that they are trying to win the biodata race? That sounds like US is doing the same and is afraid Chinese might be close to them? The same thing that happened with Huawei. They didn't like somebody else potentially adding backdoors (like they were doing for decades).

Comment What about Google? (Score 1) 69

It's interesting how everyone is scared of Chinese spying on them while they are not concerned about Google doing the same? Both companies have strong connections to their respective governments and both are spying on you. The difference is that Chinese are only concerned with Chinese citizens. They will not try to kidnap you and take you to a Chinese prison. US has no problems with that. So, at least for me, sending data to Google is a bigger deal than sending it to Tencent,

Comment what kind of a challenge is this? (Score 1) 228

So they will cahellenge Tesla's Model X in 2021? At that point that model will be 6 years old and will be nearing the end of production or will have received a major redesign. Also in 2021 you will have a choice between a car that has already had the early bugs fixed versus the model without any real world testing.

Comment Recruiting process needs to change (Score 1) 477

The whole process needs to change. It's not unusual to have interviews with 5 parts each taking a few hours. Sometimes they even try to give you tasks that take a day or so to complete and look awfully lot like they are just having you do stuff for free. And HR people sometimes don't even bother to acknowledge that they even received an application. I've had a lot of good and bad experiences so I don't see why candidates not showing up is such a big deal. My suggestion would be to make the whole process shorter and more streamlined. Why would anyone need to talk to 10+ people from the company and do it in 5 installments? Why do HR agencies call people without an actual job in mind just to boost their LInkedIn contacts list? None of these is fair to the applicant At my company we only have 1 interview and it's mostly technical and takes about an hour and that's it. After that you get an offer or a letter telling you we decided to send the offer to someone else. That's how it should be for the IT. No time for wasting days on interviews because someone else will just hire those candidates before your whole process is over

Comment Not always true (Score 4, Insightful) 151

This is for regular apps. Apps that have background mode enabled can run in background and can consume CPU cycles. They can even use GPS, WiFi, LTE etc. That consumes battery. Most of the running or GPS apps run just fine in background. Otherwise they'd just stop recording once the screen locks or, worse, keep the screen on at all times.

Comment Lost some features? (Score 1) 466

How about losing ALL of them? Thanks to the new provider and their antiquated maps whole countries will no longer have any street maps. If you're going to any of the exYU countries don't expect to be able to use Apple's Maps app. Only major roads are supported and, oddly, some landmarks are shown but no streets.

Comment Re:Why did they change the algorithm this year? (Score 1) 210

Mathematically speaking, 1-2-3 has the same probability as 10-30-70 when choosing 3 numbers from a pool of 10k... It's just that humans don't perceive it as random if they can find any pattern... Also, isn't int true that the order in which the applicants were filed was completely random? The only factor was the time of application, and there could've been two or more in the same second so the system scheduler decided which request to process first...

Comment Forget the gravity (Score 1) 542

There is one fundamentally wrong presumption here, and it's the notion that the craft would be sent from Earth. If you could build an orbital station and devise a way to get resources to it then you could assemble and produce spaceships without worrying about gravity, size, aerodynamics etc. Since there is no friction in space once you reach the desired velocity you could just turn off the engines and cruise. Such a ship could not be able to land on a planet but it could remain in orbit and send shuttles for exploration. That ship would become an orbital station which could be used to extend the reach of other ships and so on...

Comment Could this backfire? (Score 1) 617

So, if any of the MS programmers outside of US used a pirated version of any program to work on Windows (not as impossible as it seems. just look at SoundForge) MS should be open to lawsuits. In any case, anyone can sue MS now, and it's on them to prove that they haven't done anything wrong. I know that it's contrary to the notion of being presumed innocent, but it'd have no chance of working the other way round. How would you prove that, for example, a company in China used pirated software if you can't audit them and check? You can't even summon them to court. All they have to say is that they've checked and that there is no pirated software. You can't call their bluff. Bullish as they are, American government can't just send their investigators everywhere they want. It would piss too many people off...

Comment Does it matter? (Score 1) 917

Gay people aren't sick. They just like different things from the majority. It's not something that can be cured. So the app doesn't work. It has never worked. It will never work. It's just a provocation. And they fell for it. I wonder if I write an app that'll cure Indian or Mexican people from eating spicy food, will it get yanked? Will there be a petition against it? Or will everyone just laugh thinking there must be something wrong with me for writing that made me write such an useless app? I understand that gay people have to push their agenda and that's ok, but the other side has a right to have their say too... I don't really care for either of those opinions... We all have our right to free speech...

Comment Re:Redundancy and good planning. (Score 0) 177

I don't mean to rain on your parade but the whole American space program is the work of German Nazi scientists who developed rockets and were scooped up after the war... But you've got to hand it to them when it comes to business... That's one of their biggest strengths.... Scientist can always be bought and imported...

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