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Comment Re: Maybe stop showing off? (Score 1) 341

Your programming experience is leverage, not a liability. I'm reacting to the sense of your question, to drop php for something else. My answer is no, do not drop php, and yes, work to use something else. Always yes to something else. There is no programmers oracle to tell you your future. Dont bother with slashdot. Utilize your own experience and skill to answer your question. You'll have to take time to work out the answer, as you likely already know: what is the cost/benefit of ....?

Comment Re: I love the idea (Score 1) 151

State contracts may be big but big enough? Montana? Maybe Montana's network contract are already too small for national providers. This contract restriction further drives down incentive. Overtime, Montana will be stuck with a single regional provider. No contract competition. And costs for the state go up. Good luck with that.

Comment Re:Free TV? Who knew? (Score 1) 564

Try the to find the distance from the sources in your area to your antenna's mount. Then, find an antenna which is rated for that distance. Sometimes a powered amplifier is needed to boost signal. In some installations, a rotor mount is useful. A directional antennas can support longer distances. Some locations can be in range of sources from multiple directions.

For the 29% who don't know OTA TV is free, you should also know there is no such thing as an 'High Definition Antenna'

Comment Re:Author! Author! (Score 1) 213

Linus Torvalds, creator of git, recommends linux, exclusively, I think. He probably would request Windows based developers never used git at all. Historically, if I remember correctly, Windows was not ever target platform for the core developer team led by Torvalds. It runs on Windows only for the efforts of those who did not 'create' it. When git came out, how much crying there was over the absence of a gui. What horror, command line interface ONLY!

Submission + - 3D view in Superbowl LI....more to come. (

Zecheus writes: Some slashdot readers may have interest in American football and applied technology at the 'Superbowl' to be played on February 4 featuring the clubs from Atlanta and Boston: "Advanced cameras strategically placed in the rafters of NRG Stadium in Houston will add a completely new element to FOX's broadcast of Super Bowl LI." The new element? 3D view from field level perspective. The technology sponsor/provider, Intel, calls the feature: "Be the player."

Comment Re:Why won't Democrats support the outcome? (Score 1) 1321

The scientist does not believe he has evidence. See his blog. He basically has nothing: "Were this year’s deviations from pre-election polls the results of a cyberattack? Probably not. I believe the most likely explanation is that the polls were systematically wrong, rather than that the election was hacked. But I don’t believe that either one of these seemingly unlikely explanations is overwhelmingly more likely than the other."

Comment You make no sense (Score 1) 465

A large corporation backed by millionaires and billionaires pre-exists Citizens United.....Large corporations like the New York Times! NYT Company has an annual revenue of $1.5B! The NYT Company SHOUTS support for its political position. Why can't opposing point of view also get published with the same intensity? Clinton's position against Citizen United is self-serving. You are a patsy.

Comment no. (Score 1) 465

I expect a poor job from Government. Hillary Clinton plans to propose a change to the First Amendment of the US Constitution. If this regulation were in place, it would have suppressed speech against her. Isn't suppressing negative opinions the act of a repressive, despotic government? She is likely to win, and make good her promise. Bad. (The NY Times is not a 'person', either). Reference: Citizens United.

Comment Video doesn't exculpate the pilot (Score 1) 664

In addition to what's stated above, the homeowner maybe doesn't even know the limitation of the drone. How close does it have to get? Where is the camera pointing? What power is the zoom?
I served a few weeks in grand jury in Monmouth County, New Jersey. I'm not an expert, but to indict for terrorist threat, it was enough to show that the victim felt threatened. It doesn't really matter, like in this case, that technically due to limitation of the device, he was not ever in danger. The owner just publicized the evidence that can be used against him.

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