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Comment Good time for atrocities (Score 1) 50

Tip: If you commit an atrocity (e.g. use nerve gas pods) against an enemy faction while communications are down due to solar activity, the other factions won't learn of it, so you'll avoid the imposition of sanctions.

I really like doing it to those pieces-of-shit Yang and/or Miriam, nerve-gas-armed needle jets attacking their base garrisons causing collateral damage to the civilian populations, all while maintaining lucrative civilized commerce with others.

Comment Combine with Adaptive Economics (Score 1) 175

This is good tech, no question about it. But the more exciting prospect comes from seeing that we're beginning to make the leap from wealth as currency to wealth as energy. Just remember, that while we make this transformation, we need to make sure we have a purely adaptable system.

If we can do that right, we'll have mastered Adaptive Economics.

This advance will allow us to integrate thermocline transducers into our tidal harness systems, increasing the amount of energy harvested. Tidal harnesses are great right off the bat, but to get their full potential (make them even better!) we should keep our eyes on the long-term prize of maximum energy extraction per sea square.

Comment Combine with Adaptive Economics (Score 1) 175

This is good tech, no question about it. But the more exciting prospect comes from seeing that we're beginning to make the leap from wealth as currency to wealth as energy. But in so doing, we need to make sure we have a purely adaptable system.

If we can do that right, we'll have mastered Adaptive Economics.

This advance will allow us to integrate thermocline transducers into our tidal harness systems, increasing the amount of energy harvested. Tidal harnesses are great right off the bat, but to get their full potential (make them even better!) we should keep our eyes on the long-term prize of maximum energy extraction per sea square.

Comment Orbital Power Transmitter (Score 1) 233

“Planet’s Primary, Alpha Centauri A, blasts unimaginable quantities of energy into space each instant, and virtually every joule of it is wasted entirely. Incomprehensible riches can be ours if we can but stretch our arms wide enough to dip from this eternal river of wealth.” -- CEO Nwabudike Morgan, “The Centauri Monopoly”

Comment The Living Refinery (Score 1) 210

"We estimate that during the next mission century most of Planet's industries will be moved off-planet to Nessus Prime and other orbital facilities. Many of our industries will benefit greatly from the low gravity environments available in space, particularly those involving genetically engineered microbes." -- CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Centauri Monopoly"

Comment Hard to believe (Score 1) 477

Whenever some rival faction is being completely intractable, I must admit it: I wait for a communications blackout caused by solar flares (so that other factions don't learn of my atrocities), and then I hit the fucker's bases with nerve gas needlejets, and maybe genetic plagues too. Really, I do that and I won't deny it. It's a fact, Jack.

And now you're expected to believe that I don't do such things outside the game? Really, you think I learn nothing from my in-game successes? Video games are getting cleared awfully fast here.

Comment Bio-Engineering (Score 5, Informative) 210

"Why do you insist that the human genetic code is 'sacred' or 'taboo?' It is a chemical process and nothing more. For that matter we are chemical processes and nothing more. If you deny yourself a useful tool simply because it reminds you uncomfortably of your mortality, you have uselessly and pointlessly crippled yourself." -- Chairman Sheng-ji Yang ,"Looking God in the Eye"

Comment Industrial Economics (Score 1) 330

"Our first challenge is to create an entire economic infrastructure, from top to bottom, out of whole cloth. No gradual evolution from previous economic systems is possible, because there is no previous economic system. Each interdependent piece must be materialized simultaneously and in perfect working order; otherwise the system will crash out before it ever gets off the ground." -- CEO Nwabudike Morgan ,"The Centauri Monopoly"

Comment Re:The Problem With That? (Score 1) 209

Who needs WINE then, it's only holding you back! It's native Linux apps or bust!

I don't use WINE, but I do have some old Loki games. They're proprietary so they can't be recompiled, but they're also native 32-bit. Haven't tried running SMACX under LXD but I guess that's one of my upcoming todos unless I change distros.

Comment Re:Doing nothing costs you your grandchildren (Score 1) 384

"Resources exist to be consumed. And consumed they will be, if not by this generation then by some future. By what right does this forgotten future seek to deny us our birthright? None I say! Let us take what is ours, chew and eat our fill." - CEO Nwabudike Morgan, "The Ethics of Greed"

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