Return of The Onion 95
binarydreams writes "Rejoice. The Onion is back with a new edition, after a month's hiatus. During the break they have done a little redesign of the main page. I've got some reading to do. "
As always, the Onion brings a smile to my face, along with some
belly laughs, and some sort of problem with my digestive system.
Re:The Onion (Score:1)
articles that just go a bit TOO FAR, and should
never go beyond the inital joke, but The Onion
writers seem to be able to extend jokes for quite
a few paragraphs without going soft or lame.
Copycat's like "The Mushroom", simply can't
Certainly one of my favorite sites.
Infintessimal and Infinite (Score:1)
stories *do* get reused - occasionally (Score:1)
I think it's nice to see some of the timeless classics roll around again. Oh, and don't forget to buy the book ;)
Re:WOBAD (Score:1)
NPR interview (Score:1)
"Houston, I'm on the f*kking moon, over."
It was great!
Anyone else totally in love with Smoove B?
The Divine Creatrix in a Mortal Shell that stays Crunchy in Milk
How about Boulder (Score:1)
Dial up. Or hack the proxy server. (Score:1)
Re:How to access block sites?? (Score:1)
Re:New Study Finds College Binge Drinking To Be A (Score:1)
Zontar The Mindless,
Favorites (Score:2)
Absolute must-reads:
-Microsoft patents ones, zereos
-Revolutionary New Insoles Combine Five Forms Of Pseudoscience
-98 Homosexual-Recruitment Drive Nearing Goal
-'I Provide Office Solutions,' Says Pitiful Little Man
-Congress Passes Americans With No Abilities Act
-Funny story about this one - I cut it out and left it on my desk at home, which is near the dining room. We had my neighbor over, who is an avid Rush Limbaugh fan and watches C-Span constantly and follows the Drudge report. He saw the article sitting on the desk, with a big color photo of Clinton signing the bill, and had a fit!
Other good ones:
-The Onion's Guide to Human Interaction
-Apple Employee Fired For Thinking Different
-Coca-Cola Introduces New 30-Liter Size
-New Smokable Nicotine Sticks- Can They Help Smokers Quit?
-Heads Need To Be Cracked In!
-Man, This Pepsi Pop-Culture Bottlecap Game Is Fun!
-I Think That Stripper Really Liked Me
-Point-Counterpoint On-The-Job Harassment
-Christ Demands More Money
-American People Ruled Unfit To Govern
-First-Amendment Bug Removed From Bill Of Rights 2.0
-Nation's Educators Alarmed By Poorly Written Teen Suicide Notes
-Vatican Rescinds 'Blessed' Status Of World's Meek- 'Screw The Meek,' Says Pope
-Doctors Find New Way To Prolong Meaningless Existence
-Man Required To Wear Tie Decides It Might As Well Be Wacky
Re:I don't know if I like the new format (Score:1)
Believe it or not, "eye travel" and the rest of your "pro" sh*t do not make web sites better. Far from it. The more crap people like you add to their site, the better the content has to be before I'll even try to read it.
I'll say it slower. C O N T E N T.
Which the Onion always did do well, and still do.
Animal House / Revenge of the Nerds (Score:1)
There's a hilarious parody of this in Revenge of the Nerds 2. Again a bunch of people are getting stoned. The nerds are spouting some theories along the lines of WOBAD, and then Ogre (stereotypical "dumb jock") says "what if C-A-T really spelled DOG?"
Slashdotted... (Score:1)
Guess I'll have to wait 'til mornin'...
Re:I don't know if I like the new format (Score:1)
That said, the type is too small under Linux Netscape, a common failing apparently caused by Microsoft, if I read some of the other comments correctly.
Big fonts in IE (Score:1)
Re:SCA Seizes Russia! (Score:1)
denver (Score:1)
Re:Infintessimal and Infinite (Score:1)
we dumbasses out here don't have to be born as the same lame dumbasses in our world again - but if we have been a good person (*grin*) we will become a member of the superior universe (where our universe is a molecule and the galaxies are the atoms, as every child knows - ask them).
all we will try to do then is destroy all our lower universes - so that there is no place to step back when you were a bad fuckin guy.
that's exactly what most of us try to do right know - so the above is proven
Re:The Onion (Score:1)
Re:AWESOME!! (Score:1)
Re:I don't know if I like the new format (Score:1)
"The Onion® is not intended for readers under 18 years of age."
better move it into the 'Financial' bookmark folder
Re:How to access block sites?? peacefire.org (Score:1)
To really get around it, you'll want to find out which product you're up against, and then visit PeaceFire [peacefire.org]. They have instructions to get around a variety of different products, possibly including yours.
Jamie McCarthy
Re:How to solve the "fonts too small problem" (Score:1)
I can see it fine. I'm using Netscape, and 1600x1200 resolution. No small fonts or nothin.
Monkeys (Score:1)
Design and usability are not irrelevant (Score:1)
You take cues from design every day; you just don't know it. You decide whether things are too cheap or too expensive based on what fonts and colors are used in their packaging. You instinctively use roads and walkways according to how they are designed.
You would complain if the "up volume" button on your remote control was far away from the "down volume" button. If you got into a car, and the gas pedal and brake pedal were reversed, you could die. If someone gave you a business card that was 8 1/2" by 11", you'd throw it away in disgust. If you came across a parking lot with no lines, you probably wouldn't be able to get your car in or out.
So why complain about quality design and usability choices on the web? Sorry, it's because you don't know any better.
Supreme Court Rules Supreme Court Rules (Score:1)
The Onion (Score:2)
Glad to see 'em back.
-- Give him Head? Be a Beacon?
AWESOME!! (Score:1)
Very glad to see them backonline... even though my work proxy forbids us to go there! we still get there other ways
Ummmm... (Score:1)
Put Hemos through English 101!
I don't know if I like the new format (Score:2)
man, I remember when they first whent on hiatus, it seemed like forever. time moves way to fast, I don't want my summer to end
"Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
Re:WOBAD (Score:1)
So, like, your dad and you used to, ya know, like, *puff* a lota shit, right?
Re:AWESOME!! - ("Our Dumb Century" is too) (Score:1)
If you haven't read their book called "OUR DUMB CENTURY", it's a great way to review the last 100 years and remember all that's happened in a way that's much more entertaining than a jr. college american history class.
Re:AWESOME!! (Score:2)
Besides, it was cool to have the Onion there all through high school (in the days before the widespread use of the web).
Happy! (Score:1)
Re:AWESOME!! - ("Our Dumb Century" is too) (Score:1)
I just wish it was cheaper to subscribe to the hardcopy version internationally.. actually, the site only mentions Europe so I doubt I could even get it here in Australia. Grr.
Re:AWESOME!! (Score:2)
The print version has always had more articles than the web version. I believe several major booksellers including Barne$ and Noble carry The Onion nation-wide these days. Though it's published in Madison, WI, it's been available in Chicago & New York for awhile. My point is to suggest that those of you who aren't so fortunate as to live in Mad City go find yourselves a print copy or even subscribe. It's well worth it. Also, try to pick up Our Dumb Century and the book on tape. The Onion staff did all of the voices on the tape, and it's set up like news broadcasts.
I'm getting ready to move away from Madison (unfortunatley), and I'm telling you, I'm shelling out the money to get a subscription. It's the nation's best humor publication. & I'm not only saying that because I was in an issue (I was the Den's Customer of the Week (C.O.W.) The Onion's staff puts your head on a picture of a cow. It made my week that week).
Re:WOBAD (Score:1)
The Onion... or The Moon? (Score:1)
Meanwhile, today is the 30th anniversary of the moon landing... and nothing has been mentioned on
Yes, maybe anyone who already cares would know that it's the moon landing anniversary, but anyone who cares about the Onion would've known they'd be back today. Quite frankly I've lost a lot of respect for
Come on,
WOBAD (Score:1)
Finally. (Score:3)
Keep your fucking shit off my desk
Does this cockring make me look fat?
Ask a gutshot policeman.
Ask Sir Mix-A-Lot
Bantu Tribesman uses modem to crush nut
Evil Genius Gates drops Windows 98 in NY Water Suplly
Bill Gates Grants Self 23(?) Dexterity, 21(?) Charm
RC Cola Celebrates 10th Sale
Study Reveals: Babies are Dumb
GM Halts Production of Neck Belts.
Supercomputer beaten up by more popular computer.
Rwanda gets plant. "It totally ligthens up the place."
These are just off the top of my head, there are a lot more great ones that everybody should read in the archives.
Yay! (Score:1)
I can't wait for the newest print edition to arrive. In the meanwhile I guess I can look over "Our Dumb Century".. Gotta love the story about an old school foe of Bill Gates getting attacked by 'Killer Microsoft Robots' ;>
Re:WOBAD (Score:1)
Infinite Recursive Loop (Score:1)
No impact on anything? (Score:3)
Ludwig Yamamoto
People For The Ethical Treatment of Atoms
Re:new format / funny? (Score:1)
Obviously they thought it was too good an idea just to remain a headline!
Re:Big fonts in IE (Score:2)
Sorry I cannot explain this properly, but someone explained it to me once, and my head exploded.
Prior art (Score:1)
Great site, I luv it!! Love parodies of BS like tabloids and adverts.
The above was, I think, lifted from "Ferris Buehler's Day off" almost verbatim right down to the fingernail bit, or was it finger? Anyway, I like playing the "this came from that" game, or was influenced by, blahblah.
How to solve the "fonts too small problem" (Score:1)
Re:Onion + Dialectizer = hilarity (Score:1)
Use this knowledge wisely
Wisely? Bah. Use it for world domination and grooming your pets.
I will definitely have to check that out at work today, however. :^)
Re:Why bother (Score:1)
Whereas the Onion rocks. See "Twelve More Pie-Fucking Movies In The Works". A witty comment, and one that would have been weakened if it were bowlderized.
You are correct. (Score:1)
Change your settings. (Score:1)
However, it's not to small on my computer -- and I'm using the standard settings -- so I don't know why it is on yours.
Re:Steven Hawking (Score:1)
He even expains how he is able to "maintain an erection for up to fifteen minutes on a single battery charge." Hilarious, repulsive, and offensive, all at once. That's the Onion.
slashdot + Dialectizer = hilarity (Score:1)
"Rejoice. Th' Onion is back wif a noo edishun, af'er a month's hiatus. Durin' th' bust they haf done a li'l redesign of th' main page. I've got some readin' to does. " As allus, th' Onion brin's a smile t'mah face, along wif some belly laughs, an' some so't of problem wif mah digestive system, dawgone it."
for even greater fun, try various combinations of babelfish and the dialectizer...
ok ok - give me a break - i'm doing db2 admin on aix... : ( can you blame me for finding distractions?
$which weed
Re:The Onion... or The Moon? (Score:2)
It annoys me more when they ignore big stories that I'd like to talk about(shuttle launch for one).
I don't really see what you could have said about the aniversary of the moon launch, it's not really an event.
The thing is that "stuff that matters" is fairly inclusive, and I wouldn't mind if they had more news and political type stories(maybe only those that had a special signifigance to nerds, but maybe not). I think it's fairly telling that the stories with the most comments have been ones about Columbine(news, political stuff), and the Iraq bombing(same thing). Obviously people care about those things, why not have more of it?
Re:No impact on anything? (Score:1)
Re:WOBAD (Score:1)
Re:WOBAD (Score:1)
Can't wait to see how he develops the theory in the next books... "The Universe is contained within a grain of sand, and what if that grain of sand gets run over by a minivan?"
new format / funny? (Score:1)
Plus, this issue is uncharacteristically unfunny. Give me a good Herbert Kornfield article, a funny Jim Anchower article, a humorous infographic, or a nice Onion Kid's Corner. Lately those have been somewhat lacking. I shouldn't complain, though, it's still one of my favorite sites on the net. And if anybody disagrees, I might have to break out my letter opener of death...
-Drew Boyles-
And it's my birthday!!! (Score:1)
And I have to say, the Onion totally rocks. It is easily one of the funniest, if not the funniest, thing on the internet.
These writers are obviously very smart, talented people, and the articles have plenty of wit showing through. Besides being funny, it is an excellent source of comentary. If you can pick out the sarcasm and read what they are really saying (many people can't, it seems) then it is probably one of the most accurate journalistic sources out there.
I used to think that the Onion was the perfect tabloid - something that the Star and Enquirer wish they could hold a candle to. Then I realized that, unfortunately, there is a large audience out there that just isn't smart enough for the kind of content the Onion blesses us with each week.
Keep up the good work!
New Study Finds College Binge Drinking To Be A Bla (Score:1)
My personal favorite is New Study Finds College Binge Drinking To Be A Blast [theonion.com]. But maybe I'm just biased because I'm in college.
Re:The Onion... or The Moon? (Score:1)
"Ummm. . . Allright. . . so, 30 years ago, the US landed on the moon. . . well. . . that's all I've got to say"
Frankly, I'm quite glad that they had this story up. I had forgotten The Onion was coming back today, but heard quite enough about the moon landing. Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of astronomy, etc. . . but it's not like the moon landing is anything new. . . Talk about the Shuttle mission, that we could use (Do you realize that they were less than half a second away from engine ignition?!?!? If that had happened, the mission could have been put off by up to a year) . . .
SCA Seizes Russia! (Score:2)
That will always be my favorite. *grin*
I wonder if my friendly local Baron bribed them or something
BTW, if you like political satire, do a net search on "Capitol Steps" and pick up an album or several. Good stuff.
I believe their story goes something like this:
"Well, we were going to do a Christmas pageant, but in all of Washington DC we couldn't find three wise men
And it just gets funnier. Of special interest to
Supreme Court Overturns Car (Score:1)
Long live the Onion!
Re:The Onion... or The Moon? (Score:1)
What could you say about it? Well, apparently, 50% of Americans can't even name the first two people on the moon. So you could point that out. Or you could use it as sort of a "launch pad" to post another link to current spaceflight events. As in, "30 years after the moon landing, we're...".
Like I said, I like the Onion. I think it's funny, I bought the book and everything. I just don't think that its return is any more significant than the anniversary of the moon landing. Obviously you all (referring to all posts below as well) disagree, and that's OK. Just (guy below this) don't tell me I have a pole up my ass.
Totally Hot Chick Also Way Psycho (Score:1)
Good Stories (Score:1)
Apple Employee Fired for Thinking Different [theonion.com]
Where Does Bacon Come From? [theonion.com]
Don't Feel Sad, I'm In Heaven Now, Singing With The Pretty Angels [theonion.com]
I could go on.
Steven Hawking (Score:2)
Fav. Regulars: The Cruise, Jean Teasdale . . . (Score:1)
And mad props to Herbert Kornfeld, that phat Accounts Payable supervisor with the wack accounting skilz 'n' shit. Werd up!
Can't forget Smoove B, baby!
Regular feature I don't particularly care for: Jackie Harvey's Outside Scoop. I get the joke, it just doesn't make me laugh. And Ask [An Obsessed Person of Some Sort] doesn't do anything for me, either.
Re:Finally. (Score:1)
Re:AWESOME!! (Score:1)
I'm still sad that they got rid of a couple things over the years. The campus poliece blotter was extremely funny, not to mention Drunk of the Week. Too bad I never made D.O.W., but at least I knew someone who was...ah those were the days...
Back in the day, all the stories were based near/around Madison. Now they are generically based.
Re:I don't know if I like the new format (Score:2)
According to the previous reply to your post (I did the same thing) they succeeded.
Re:I don't know if I like the new format (Score:1)
Re:The Onion... or The Moon? (Score:1)
there was a topic a few days ago about the declassification of some moon related docs (if the guys were straneded, they would just cut communication)
in any even, I completly forgot about the onion untill I saw the headline here. get that pole out of your ass man
"Subtle mind control? Why do all these HTML buttons say 'Submit' ?"
Re:The Onion... or The Moon? (Score:1)
On the other hand, reminders like this come in very handy. I wouldn't have gone there today (or anytime soon) had it not been for this story. That said, I will probably go there less often since their design favors Internet Explorer, which I dislike using.
Re:I don't know if I like the new format (Score:1)
It looks like they did it to get more play for the AV Club, but that requires you to open your browser past 800 wide. That causes the Onion stories to be too wide, which is bad for eye travel.
They need some pro help. (Slashdot does too.)
Re:Finally. (Score:1)