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Damn Airport Security

I had a goattee for like 9 months. Not a good goat mind you, more like a small dead rat glued sloppily to my chin. And at the end of last summer I returned to a brush cut (not sure if that was to save money on shampoo, hair cuts, or because I just was annoyed by having hair in my eyes). Anyway, I also tend to fly frequently (conferences, biz trips, yada yada) and noticed something shocking: I always got searched. Every time. Not in my home airport (GRR security is really mellow although they make ya take your computer out of its bag which is a real hassle). For 9 months, every time I came back from anywhere, I'd get searched. Usually I'd be traveling with a group, and I was the only one checked. Apparently I look like the unabomber. They hassle me asking me to turn my computer on, running wierd lights over my bags looking for bomb/drug residue or something. Once they made me remove things from most of the pockets in my laptop bag. Sometimes they make me turn my computer on (several times I've had a dead battary. Thats pretty embarassing)

Anyway, I recently shaved my goat, and for the first time in 9 months, I wasn't searched on my way home. So my options are:

  1. Have a cheesy goattee, look like a dork, and get searched in airports.
  2. Remain clean shaved, nick myself regularly while shaving, look like I'm 13, a dork, and be left alone.

The worst part is that at 23 I am carded every time I order a drink, but the goattee saved me from that. I may look like an axe murderer, but at least I look like a post pubescant axe murderer. What a world.

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Damn Airport Security

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Happiness is twin floppies.
