Kipling: Be careful what you wish for. 94
Zab gave us the the story about the latest fun over at Kipling. Kipling acknowledged being cracked, but I don't think they quite knew what they were asking for. Probably having Mooby share the password, and having their site down for a few days wasn't quite the plan. But they did get their publicity, I s'pose. Check out the work at Kipling.
Hacked/Cracked/Smacked/Yo Mama (Score:1)
Please, lameoids, get lives.
The index page was done by kipling (Score:1)
they are counting how many hits they get on the hacked site
So there is no evidence of the site being cracked
other than what they release to the press
If you can't treat the disease, treat the symptoms (Score:1)
Hoax. Proof. (Score:1)
Non-authoritative answer:
[wakko@tettie] 6:37:11pm ~/> nslookup
Look at the two IP addresses. Now traceroute them.
Here's the last bit of a traceroute to planetinternet's site:
16 ( 399.195 ms 369.74 ms 339.719 ms
17 ( 309.978 ms 329.264 ms 329.628 ms
18 ( 339.757 ms ( 359.241 ms ( 449.23 ms
19 ( 388.849 ms * 286.789 ms
20 ( 293.474 ms 319.294 ms *
And the last part of a traceroute to
16 ( 380.362 ms 387.695 ms 349.823 ms
17 ( 350.344 ms * *
18 ( 329.372 ms ( 358.755 ms 348.818 ms
19 ( 349.818 ms * 348.748 ms
20 ( 349.667 ms * 328.889 ms
Gee. What ever is planetinternet doing in there?
- A.P.
"One World, One Web, One Program" - Microsoft Promotional Ad
Fool. (Score:1)
- A.P.
"One World, One Web, One Program" - Microsoft Promotional Ad
re:No, that's a kludge. (Score:1)
Now, bottle feeding it nitrous oxide....
_Thats_ a hack
If you can't treat the disease, treat the symptoms (Score:1)
Majority use defines the word. (Score:1)
ITYM "devolves".
Hacking (Score:1)
To everyone out there: I am not Kevin Mitnick. I will not steal your credit cards or turn off your phone or charge up $15,000 in cell phone bills to Paraguay. I just like tinkering with my legally acquired machines.
Very Likely A Hoax (Score:1)
Oh, and of course he couldn't have done it without his "browser" bag.
Very Likely A Hoax (Score:1)
I've gotta agree. NO offense to Kipling, but the very fact the page is still up seems a bit fishy. ALso, all the hacked pages I've ever seen usually say soemthing other than "We've been cracked", or at least say it in a different way. After all, if you're gonna do it, why not decry Kipling for being so stupd about the whole thing to begin with?
Hacked/Cracked/Smacked/Yo Mama (Score:1)
Very Likely A Hoax (Score:1)
did't these folks learn from MTV? (Score:1)
Combining annoying misuse of terminology with a fake stunt will - in the end - get them stomped. Even the script-kiddies (lets face it, the target audience) will avoid them like homework. "Kipling? Those guys are LAME. No kewl d00d uses Kipling!" Heard in schoolyards around the land.
(In a just world, phrases like that would immediately be followed by automatic gunfire, but oh, well.)
Since they posted a public (and well publicized) invitation to hack their site, does this mean that its open season on, without those nasty legal possibilities? (But Mr. Fed, they *said* it was OK!) Heh.
Ahh. sweet satisfaction. (Score:1)
Silly user, computers are for geeks!
Looks like it's catching... (Score:1)
(Yet another /. URL typo ;)
Ahh. sweet satisfaction. (Score:1)
Majority use defines the word. (Score:1)
"Hacker" used to mean "coder/computer nerd/whatever", but since most people understand "hacker" to mean "cracker", then that's its meaning.
Language evolves. Live with it.
Backups aren't very useful... (Score:1)
Semantics (Score:1)
I'd have to disagree with you there. They're more like two groups that commonly overlap. Someone can be a cracker without being a hacker. aka script kiddies. Someone can be a hacker without being a cracker as well. But it's very possible to be both
I received my kipling bag, (yippee ?) (Score:1)
Well whatever you say about kipling, they delivered on their promise.
Maybe they were busy plugging their security hole? (Score:1)
another possibility (Score:1)
It's also possible that someone cracked the site, changed index.html just to be a bastard, then when Kipling figured it out, they whipped together the "we've been cracked" logo for the front.
I'd like to see a full documentation of what was done, if for no other reason than to prove/disprove its status as a hoax.
hack away, slashdotters.. (Score:1)
-mike kania
yup (Score:1)
hmmm (Score:1)
Suspicious..... (Score:1)
Looks like it's catching... (Score:1)
Very Likely A Hoax (Score:1)
a) that they got someone to design it 10 minutes after they were cracked,
b) the cracker has way too much free time and is proficient with Photoshop
c) this was planned, the graphic was developed over a few weeks, was probably finished around the time the "crack our password" announcement was made, and its a poorly planned publicity stunt that anyone with half a brain (granted, thats a small percentage of people) can see through
Your guess is as good as mine.
The counter is particularly fishy (Score:1)
Either this is a faked publicity stunt,
or they really did get cracked, and are milking the publicity by putting up a counter on the page and leaving it up.
Somehow, the former seems more likely.
The posted link has a problem ... (Score:4)
Playing with fire (Score:1)
"Sorry, we've been cracked" ??? (Score:1)
But it's truly sad to see a business website take pride in having been compromised.
A simple text message admitting the unfortunate fact (from their POV) is appropriate; a full collor, full page graphic, that still manages to push their product, is a marketting ploy.
"Look at US! We're SO POPULAR that k00l kidz broke our server!!!"
Maybe if we ignore them, they'll go away.
Semantics (Score:1)
While a certain level of knowledge and indoctrination into the inner workings of computers is necessary to be either a cracker, or a hacker, this level of common knowledge is not enough to blurr the line between the two.
A hacker is someone who hacks code, who writes programs and tools for the sheer enjoyment of the experience, the furthering of the 'hacker' society (i.e. GNU) and the status derived from gifting his hacker peers with the fruits of the labour - if you subscribe to the 'gift culture' view of OSS.
A cracker is motivated by the benefits of getting something 'the easy way' as in the case of pirated software, of flaunting his 'expertise' in front of his cracker peers, and the thrill of breaking the 'rules'.
A skilled cracker may have the same creative capacity as a skilled hacker, but the difference in the fundamental ethics of the two groups will keep the cracker breaking into other cracker's computers to get already existing tools, rather than writing his own. Should a cracker feel that doind this is too much effort, he may write his on tool to do the crack for him, but the tool is only beneficial to him and other's like him. It does benefit his community - but only his community.
A skilled hacker, while enjoying the status that comes with having developed a useful tool, will prefer to collaborate with others of his ilk, if he does not find the necessary tool already available. Subsequently, he (the development group) will release the tool to the general public - thereby benefitting his community a'la the cracker. However, the nature of the tool is benevolent to all who are touched by it - contrast this with the effect of the cracker tool on those cracked by it.
So from a certain perspective, crackers can be seen as a subset of hackers, but with a fundamental difference in their ethical fabric and intent.
-- God, we're bombing people again...
That's funny... (Score:1)
Looks like it's catching... (Score:1)
[an error occurred while processing this
... when I went to the link
Ahh. sweet satisfaction. (Score:1)
Silly user, computers are for geeks!
From the WWWebster Dictionary []:
Danged intellectuals, changing the definition of good ol' carny jargon!
That's funny... (Score:1)
It's definitely another PR stunt. (Score:1)
Anyone recall when Spielberg had that PR stunt, pretending that the Lost World website was cracked into? Jeez, that was even worse. The front page was professionally drawn, there were no political statements or cusswords, and worst of all, it was signed... Hakerz!
If you can't hang... (Score:1)
Looks like it's catching... (Score:1)
Planet Internet was not hacked (Score:1)
They must read slashdot (Score:1)
One more click, or fix the URL (Score:1)
That's funny... (Score:1)
Very Likely A Hoax (Score:1)
Suspicious..... (Score:1)
Very Likely A Hoax (Score:3)
Hacker v. Cracker (Score:1)
But thats just me...
The Marketing is Working Badly (Score:1)
I really doubt that anyone here would ever BUY one of their products (what is it, the spam suitcase? I hope Hormel sues them). They're getting publicity, but it's pretty negative stuff.
Belgian Waffles (Score:1)
Very Likely A Hoax (Score:1)
What kind of person hacks into a site and does nothing realy nasty?
Hoax.Proof. - Not quite. (Score:1)
Too bad they did it (Score:1)
By the way.. I'm an old demoscener, and we (I can't speak for all demosceners though
Hacking (Score:1)
To hack means "to accomplish a goal through lazy and or unconventional means." This is a definition that goes back before the time that tweaking and fine tuning of computer systems came to be known as "hacking." This is the definition one would use when saying that someone was a "useless hack." For example, a writer with no talent. Fixing your car with duct tape is, to me, also a "hack," or "hacking."
Cracking into computer systems certainly is an unconventional way to solve a problem (e.g., how do I get root and screw everything up), so I have no problem with this definition of "hacking."
Planet Internet was not hacked (Score:1)
But if I were gonna hack the page I would at least put a pic of a naked chick instead of the dumb girl on the front page...hehe
It was Hacked (Score:1)
What, no backup ? (Score:1)
Mooby (Score:1)
It was for real (Score:1)
It's been hacked. (Score:1)
But it's hacked, MoobY knows
It's definitely another PR stunt. (Score:1)
Hoax. Proof. WRONG (Score:1)
It was hacked - MoobY knows