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Lycos Doing mp3 Search Engine 25

Matt Lee sent us a story about Lycos hopping on the mp3 bandwagon and creating a search engine to find the controversial music format. The funniest part is that 'mp3' is the second most search-for word on Lycos. After 'sex'. Anyway I'm glad to see it.
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Lycos Doing mp3 Search Engine

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  • ...if you really think MP3 is a good thing.

    Now, I think copying music (whether it's juridically legal or not) is MORALLY wrong...

    Interestingly, this is much of the same debate as the UltraHLE story. Read one of the last comments, entitled something like "Piracy DOES hurt", and see for yourself.

    /* Steinar */
  • ...using the so-called MP3 technology

    uhm, is it just me or has mp3 been proven, therefore taking it out of the "so-called" category?

    Is there any doubt that it exists? Should I be detecting any sarcasim here?

  • It is not wrong. Morally or otherwise, and I'm glad it's hurting. The music industry has raped the public for many years.

    I'm glad they're finally getting what they deserve.

    ~PanIc RidE~
  • has been operating for a while
    now. Looks like the same thing on
  • Backups SOLELY for your OWN use?

    Porting from vynal to CD, so your soon-to-be extremely valuable collectors items don't lose value or get damaged?

    Porting from vynal to your own high-quality format, if you think CDs sound awful?

    Transferring selected songs from CDs to tape, for school plays?

    Are all these "Morally Wrong"?

    Is it so horribly BAD and EVIL for kids to be able to put on school plays, or people to protect their own property?

    If not, then maybe the issue isn't quite so black & white.

  • Backups SOLELY for your OWN use?

    Porting from vynal to CD, so your soon-to-be extremely valuable collectors items don't lose value or get damaged?

    Porting from vynal to your own high-quality format, if you think CDs sound awful?

    Transferring selected songs from CDs to tape, for school plays?

    Are all these "Morally Wrong"?

    Is it so horribly BAD and EVIL for kids to be able to put on school plays, or people to protect their own property?

    If not, then maybe the issue isn't quite so black & white.

  • For me, the major advantage of mp3 is being able to get ahold of music you *can* *not* *buy* here in the US. Jpop and HKpop for example. returned one match for the band "Speed", when I know there are at least 500 sites out there that have their music.
  • The Lycos MP3 engine just doesn't work all that well for me. Most MP3 sites require a uid/pw login, and an upload/download ratio, so using a browser won't cut it, and the links in the Lycos results don't give enough information.

    Check out for a great way to do MP3 searches.
  • Heh, one match is one too many for Speed... Gimme Zard, Puffy, or Kawamoto Makoto instead ;)

"It takes all sorts of in & out-door schooling to get adapted to my kind of fooling" - R. Frost
