US Extending Copyrights 30
AMK writes "An Open Source Books campaign has been started, which aims to fight the recent
extension of US copyrights to 95 years after the author's death, instead of 75. This doesn't benefit the authors, who are dead, after all, but does damage efforts like Project Gutenberg.
See this Wired story for more information, and add the "Open Source Books" icon to your Web page.
Open Content rather than Open source? (Score:1)
Great News (Score:2)
Companies like Disney don't need gov't subsidies. The Gershwin heirs should go get jobs. Authors already had life+50 years protection before the new law. How much more can you want?
I hope the Supreme Court slaps this one hard.
Return to the original term of copyright (Score:1)
If a work was well-loved enough to generate income in the artist's lifetime, that should be enough. The idea that art exists to produce dynasties is offensive.
The children of a coal miner suffer more than the children of the even the most wretched painter or writer. But they don't deserve any special "protection" for what they've given up.
No, we need to return to the original term of copyright, 14 years with the option of a single renewal. The framers of the Constitution did not mention protecting the children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren of creators. Their sole purpose was to grant a limited right to encourage creativity.
If an artist can't create something else worthwhile in a 28 year period, then the continuing income of a copyright will not do anything to "encourage" them to create more. Has the copyright on "Catcher In The Rye" done anything to encourage J.D. Salinger to write another novel?
The period of Patents, defined in the same area of the Constitution as Copyright, has not been extended because inventors know the value of being able to look through old, out-of-patent ideas for new applications.
If the music of Gershwin is not allowed to fall into the public domain in the same way that the music of someone like Stephen Foster has, the loss to music will be immeasurable. There are a finite number of pleasing combinations of notes. Composers do not invent them. They discover them. Every great composer borrowed themes and melodies from other composers and folk songs.
Civil disobediance (Score:1)
If one person disobeys they go to jail. If 10,000 disobey the jails can't hold them.
Mickey Mouse would expire in 2002. The US constitution prhibites grandfather laws, which this can be argued (probably not successfully, but you can put some doubt into minds) Therefore if every /. reader finds mickey mouse mpegs and videos, the orginials that would ahve expired and copues them and gives them away there is nothing they can really do. Make sure your public about it, and make sure enough people are. The difficult part is you can't work alone, you will go to jail unless there are enough other people helping.
Mickey etc (Score:1)
--Zachary Kessin
Just xfer copyright ownrshp to still living co. (Score:1)
Why do patents expire after 20 years? (Score:2)
Should this not be how it works for copyright law too?
Also, software ages at an incredible rate and its copyright should expire after no more than 20 years. Who benefits today from Atari 2600 Combat beinf officially locked for all practical eternity by current copyright law?
Life is tough (Score:1)
Copyright becomes property (Score:1)
Unenforceable til 2095 (Score:1)
One effect then would be that from 2075-2095 Project Gutenberg would have no new material.
Of course, they will try to enforece it right away, grandfathering it. In that case, expect it to get the supreme court.
But US pushes their laws on others (Score:1)
Wired Story is Wrong (Score:2)
The solution: move to Canada! (Score:1)
Mickey (Score:1)
Maybe the Southern Baptists were on to something after all - boycott Disney!
book copyrights are irrelevant (Score:1)
Example: Charles Dicken's estate still holds the rights to the novel "David Copperfield". All they do is make sure to have an intro or foreword rewritten, or perhaps add an index (stupid?), change the typeface or pagination, whatever. The resulting *different* work is then copyrighted, but contains the original work as a subset. Fits through the loop-hole nice and technical, like.
As long as someone wants to retain and defend the rights to a work, they can find a way to do it.
Copyright laws fail the common sense test (Score:2)
Like software, the source or inspiration of a book lay within the mind of the author. I've stopped referring to software as a "program" anymore for just this reason - the program is abstract, in the mind of the creator. The implementation is what we find as C, C++, etc. code.
Copyright laws make no sense from a philosophical perspective, which leads me to believe that the free software movement is philosophically grounded rather than based on a rebellion against corporate America or hate for authority in general. Think of it this way: As I write this comment, the "sources" for it are my thoughts. My thoughts are free, and it's perfectly acceptable that someone else may have a similar inspiration and write a similar comment.
Copyright laws, as currently enforced, attempt to protect the inspiration for something, whether a book or software. To me, this is nonsensical. What they _should_ protect is simply the implementation of ideas, not the inspiration behind the implementation (which could strike another person as well).
If I design a software implementation of an algorithm to digital encode audio from my own thoughts, without pirating someone else's implementation, why should I have to fear a lawsuit from a foreign company who also designed a means to encode audio? The copyright laws are tipsy-turvey, and ultimately only serve to protect the jobs of corporate lawyers and line the pockets of pointy-hair types.
Logos Available (more needed) (Score:1)
I have some simple logos available at my web site [], and even have them in .png format for those of you who don't want to use GIFs (also available). It's a little hard to download the .png files from Netscape (I'm using 4.5), easier from IE 4.0, and neither handle them as graciously as GIFs, but both will display them when included in HTML code.
As for the comment that "Open Source Books" doesn't quite make sense, well, I tend to agree, but Eric Eldred does make a fairly good argument for it. Personally, I'm using Liber [] which is Latin for both "freedom" and "book".
Regardless of what you call it, though, please get involved now, before it is too late.
Australia and Canada are considering taking the lead of the U.S. and Europe: Please try to stop it now while you can. One of my logos, incidentally, features Henry Lawson. Perhaps I will do another one with Robert Service, both authors whose works I have put online. Many of Service's later works are still under copyright. Lawson is a prime example of how copyright benefits publishers rather than authors. He sold his early works outright before he understood that he could get royalties, and died broke, despite being a best-selling author -- so well loved that he once appeared on the Australian $10 bill. A strange irony, that.
There is much that can still be done, if only there is sufficient public awareness. You can bet that the big media won't get involved. Some of them are the ones behind this assault on our basic freedoms.
Alan R. Light
I knew this was a Mickey Mouse(TM) idea (Score:1)
Next thing you know, Shakespeare's estate will be suing over the all expressions he coined. Oh, well, all's well that ends well. Ooops..
Point of copyright extension (Score:1)
Will targeting the U.S. alone actually make a difference? Otherwise, Open Source Book projects still won't be able to legally export their texts outside the U.S.
Brief (Score:1)
Watch out people, or corporations will own everything.
An Encouraging Sign (Score:1)
She had no plans to patent her work as current systems are free. "It's good to share your ideas with the science world. By patenting it I'd be hindering that process," she said.
Lifespan of copyright holder of no importance (Score:2)
I disagree. The economic value of a copyright is a function of its longevity. Let's say, for example, that I write the Great American Novel. I decide that I want to sell/license the copyright forever and use the money to buy a jet. Any potential buyer will base his offer for my work on the basis of how much profit he can make from selling it. Since my novel will be read in English classes for generations, the length of the copyright is significant in this computation (I know, the present value of those payments will be low, but still significant). Thus, there is value for the holder in extending the current copyright length.
I am NOT arguing that the concept of intellectal property is valid/ethical/moral. I only state that an extension of the copyright length is rational.
Logos Available (more needed) (Score:1)
some people are confused by the terms. i don't believe our common struggle should be put off track by the vocabulary--we are essentially, i believe, fighting the same fight against the big publishers that Open Source (tm) Software is fighting against Microsoft.
but if you can think of a better term, please let us know. we need some phrases that can teach us about the proper role of the public domain and freely accessible intellectual property.
Eric Eldred
Eldritch Press
dammit. (Score:1)
i now propose the simpler, "Support Online Books!" and suggest a link to
at some point, i feel, the "Open Source (tm)" movement that started with software needs to be generalized to books and other digital media. but right now it has not been well thought out, and some small disputes about the term's applicability may detract from discussion of the main points of what counts as "open" in this context.
it is true that most of us might not have joined this discussion if the phrase "Open Source (tm)" had not been attached. but i wish to publicly regret my use of the term and call your attention to the need to apply the trademark symbol to it, and to link to or whenever you use it.