Comdex hot on Speech Technologies
Other than Linux,
speech technologies are proving a hit at Comdex. Despite
Microsoft's recent claims of "innovations such as speech
recognition", the event is dominated by the three speech
heavy weights: IBM (ViaVoice), Dragon Systems and L & H.
L & H demonstrated their new Internet technology which
enables a user to ask the computer a question in English. The
computer finds the answer to the question on the web, and responds
using voice synthesis.
Meanwhile the recent
announcement by Corel that the whole Office 2000 suite
will be ported to Linux (and free to users) hopefully means
Dragon's Voice Recognition technology will be ported. Indeed,
Adam Cody pointed out
that Linux is mentioned in one of
their new job offers...
For those that don't get
Maximum PC (previously Boot), you might be interested
to learn that in the comparison of WordPerfect 8 and SmartSuite
Millennium to Word, only the Microsoft lacked voice recognition
capabilities. Moreover WordPerfect scored a KickAss product
award with a score of 9, while SmartSuite scored 8.
I was supposed to post Adam's link a long time ago, but I can't remember whether or not I actually got round to asking Dragon Systems for confirmation... so I'm posting it now anyway. If anyone from Dragon Systems feels like commenting, please email me.
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Comdex hot on Speech Technologies
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