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Weapons of War?

So today I fired guns. I'd never done it before. Once, when I was a Cadet, in perhaps 4th grade, we went to the Police Station as a Cadre and watched a cop shoot his pistol as part of our Tour of the dept. Definately not worth my entertainment dollar. Not compared to this...
There are places to shoot guns. I didn't know that. I also didn't load how to load a magazine. Or how to aim. I still don't know how to hit things, but I'm ok at the other parts now.

First we bought earplugs and shells. From the local dept. store. They have huge racks of bullets of various sizes ranging from 'tis but a scratch to 'your arms bloody off'. But it ran the same as any other financial transaction. Bullets. at Meijers. What a strange concept.

So we go to this gun place. It's basically a field with people all over the place with weapons. Well, not all over the place, but definately a denser visible number of guns than I had seen outside a department store gun rack or some of my crazier friends' parents basements.

It's strange. I'm fairly anti gun honestly. I'd shot little BB guns when I was a dwarf, but not a shotgun, and definately not those big guns. that Chris brought out today.

I snapped some pictures of the posse trying to blow apart Mountain Dew 2 liters with a gigantic shotgun or a little 22. never experienced that before, thats for sure. I took my turn with each of the guns we brought, but the larger ones had a bit more kick than a wimp like me can handle so I tended towards the smaller weapons. I even hit the bottles a few times.

I probably won't do it again. But I think I got a good roll of pictures for my photography class, and I'm looking forward to seeing how they turn out. I guess I'm glad that I kinda understand how a gun works now, so in case I'm ever called to serve in some local militia I'll be at least prepared to load guns for people who know how to aim them well enough to hit things. Hell I have a right to bare arms, I'm glad I took advantage of it at least once before I die.

I think once was enough though.

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Weapons of War?

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