High Tech Immigration
John McBride writes
"Gray Davis, Democratic Candidate for the State of Calfifornia, yesterday announced his support for the continued relaxation of immigration laws to allow overseas software professionals into the U.S.
While companies such as IBM, Sun and Microsoft argue that
this step is necessary for the U.S. to remain competitive
in the software market, others view this as a ploy to
flood the market with low wage employees
More Information
Even More Information.
Recently, Senate Bill S.1723 passed by a wide margin,
creating a new class of immigrants ("H1C") that allows
over 90,000 Math, Computer Science and Engineering
professionals to come into the U.S. as of this year. Both
California Senators, Boxer and Feinstein, voted yea on
this bill
( Search here by
bill number S.1723.ES,
or read who voted what on the bill).
Have declining Math and Science scores placed America's high-tech firms in a position where they must look overseas for qualified engineers? Or are they trying to increase profitibility by reducing labor costs? There are never any guarantees in life, but is it proper to target a single profession for immigration? "
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