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New Way To Blow Stuff Up Under Linux!

Daryll Strauss, has announced in the 3dfx.glide.linux newsgroup that a port of the killer tank game, BZFlag is now available for linux. I think it might only work with the 3Dfx card, but I'm not sure. It's great to see more people taking advantage of the hard work that the 3Dfx guys and the Mesa folks have put in. What other projects do you know of that use this new code?
Daryll's full usenet post was as follows:
If you're interested in a new Linux game, check out:BZFlag

It is a multiplayer tank game grown up from Battle Zone. Of course, it
runs on the 3Dfx under Linux (windows and SGI too) If you're interested
in trying it out send mail to me and Chris ( and request to
get on the Linux Beta. I did the Linux port for Chris.

                                                        - |Daryll

Does anyone know if this thing will work with software-only Mesa rendering?
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New Way To Blow Stuff Up Under Linux!

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