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Resources For The OpenSSL/SSLeay API? 3

conraduno asks: "I have been trying for some time to find documentation or help for openSSL and SSLeay, and I haven't had any luck. I can not find anything, I have not had one of my e-mails (to authors of SSLeay, perl SSL modules, and others) answered, and I have been overall very frustrated with the lack of information on this API. Has anyone else had these problems, and if so, what can I do about it? The best documentation I found so far was looking at the source, and I would much rather be able to talk to someone about it." It honestly sounds like the submittor has tried to contact the developers, and the timing on this submission is after the recent article that dealt with this exact subject. Pointers to SSLeay and openSSL resources, both online and offline, will be appreciated.
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Resources For the openSSL/SSLeay API?

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