David Bowie Opens His Own Online Bank 82
Anonymous Coward writes "David Bowie, the most wired rock star on the planet (he even has his own ISP!) has opened an online bank! What strange times we live in." Indeed. It's a shame there are no physical branches of the bank; I would probably trust banks more if the bank managers were dressed like Jareth from Labyrinth.
anitchrist... (Score:1)
/ k.d / earth trickle / Monkeys vs. Robots Films [xoom.com] /
get over it... it's cool. (Score:1)
/ k.d / earth trickle / Monkeys vs. Robots Films [xoom.com] /
uno problemo with ecampus... (Score:1)
/ k.d / earth trickle / Monkeys vs. Robots Films [xoom.com] /
amen to that! (Score:1)
/ k.d / earth trickle / Monkeys vs. Robots Films [xoom.com] /
Re:Bowie supports all the old RIAA crap (Score:1)
/ k.d / earth trickle / Monkeys vs. Robots Films [xoom.com] /
Re:Labyrinth (OT) (Score:1)
Just Like Credit Cards (Score:1)
I have a suspicion that this deal is similar to those "branded credit cards" that everyone under the sun offers. The real grunt work is done by a real financial institution, in this case USABancShares.com. He just sticks his face on the ATM cards and the cheques, and probably gets a royalty fee or a percentage. Nothing very radical here, except for another marketing coup by a performer who seems to embrace "the future", every step of the way.
What about . . . (Score:1)
Re:Labyrinth (Not completely OT) (Score:1)
She was also quite hot in Heart of Justice [imdb.com] (made for TV -- TNT IIRC -- which I taped and keep around now only because I saw that she was in it, and which basically sucked otherwise). And, yes, she was already obviously destined to be a heartbreaker even in Labyrinth, which would still be one of my favorite movies of all time even if she weren't in it. :)
Anyhow, Bowie's banking thing doesn't really surprise me all that much... He's always been into being on the bleeding edge for its own sake, and when he quits doing so, he'll stop being Bowie (my guess is that he'll be dead by then.)
Zontar The Mindless,
Re:I guess one service they won't offer... (Score:1)
> bowie opens a bank", but "some bank hires
> david bowie's image to promote a new online
> bank". personally, i wouldn't trust the
> former, as he doesn't have the expertise in
> the banking field. still, it's a marketing
> coup.
Given how well the average bank performs, perhaps a lack of experience isn't as great a detriment as it might seem.
Seriously though, anyone who has done a lot of handling of money, as Bowie has done, and especially those who have suffered at the hands of others financially, as Bowie has, tend to educate themselves in self-defense. We don't really know HOW much he knows; it may well be more than we think.
Anyhow, I'm for the concept myself.
I tend to think that online brokerages will replace online banks (as brokerages give better service and many of the same features) and not the reverse as some people claim.
Re:but *what* picture? (Score:1)
Re:If Bowie can do it, how about Cmdr. Taco? (Score:1)
People have mentioned that these 'branded' financial services
are everywhere (and they do seem to be.) So if all the
backend stuff is truly done by a "real" bank, what does it
take to be one of the "brands"?
Re:RedHat Link (Score:1)
it seems www.bowiebanc.com is hosted by Concentric
(w/ Solaris according to www.netcraft.com)
Oh, and besides that redhat link, there were many
lame ones. Trendy stuff, it seems, like redhat.
Already have a Linux CC (Score:1)
If Bowie can do it, how about Cmdr. Taco? (Score:1)
Wait a second.. don't moderate this to funny... I'm Serious!
Hey, why not? deny the fact that you would be able to feel Oh so superior if you are standing there in the line at Fry's, and you whip out a gold card with /. and a little penguin on it as you pay for that latest version of Caldera...
Or pictures of Hemos, or a GNU, or whatever..
Hey, I would transfer my money to this fine theoretical establishment!
Artists and commercial whores (Score:1)
Since when??? Where says that in the Bible??? Artistic talent and commercial talent are, I think, not at all incompatible. Witness all artists who managed to make a living off their art. Some of them were especially good at marketing and made a very good living indeed, from Pieter Paul Rubens to Salvador Dalí (a.k.a. Avida Dollars, as he himself put it). You can be an artist in more than one field.
Just give it a chance (Score:1)
Well, first impressions... he's just trying to rip off us fans.
But then start thinking about it. It's no big secret of his finanacial problems with his manager when David was on the way to become a living legend (IMHO anyway).
Is it too much to assume that he is doing this for himself, attempting to prove that now he is who he is and can do things well a second time around. Plus, being the alleged net-junkie that David is, it'll give him a chance to indulge in his little enjoyment away from music.
I have only taken a brief look at the bowiebank.com site (I like banking in person too much - nothing like a good argument with your bank manager at the start of the new year
Give him a chance... it's what we all deserve, after all, isn't it ?
The Hemos Creidt Carrd[sic] (Score:1)
Tempfiles fugit
Re:Bowie:Linux or Windows? (Score:1)
Re:Bowie != Geek (Score:1)
Jareth the Teller (Score:1)
Welcome to the 21st Century .... (Score:1)
I guess one service they won't offer... (Score:1)
seriously, this doesn't seem to be "david bowie opens a bank", but "some bank hires david bowie's image to promote a new online bank". personally, i wouldn't trust the former, as he doesn't have the expertise in the banking field. still, it's a marketing coup.
wonder who'll follow in a similar vein... Sting's organic foods? Keith Richards' drug emporium? or... wait for it wait for it...
George Michael's sperm bank
Labyrinth (OT) (Score:1)
Anybody remember how hot the actress that played Sarah was? She's only *14* in that film! (God, I feel like a dirty old man. Hehe.
Here [abbagirl.com] is a page with some links about the Labyrinth.
Did you guys know that George Lucas was tied to that movie?
Wired or Weird? (Score:1)
Machead (Score:1)
Re:Bowie:Linux or Windows? (Score:1)
Re:Machead (Score:1)
Be the first in the stuff that matters (Score:1)
OK, David, be the first rock star that answers the following: vi or emacs?
One Can Only Hope... (Score:1)
Re:but *what* picture? (Score:1)
This picture was an icon of the 70's. Wouldn't it be cool if it became the icon of the OO's ?
Re:What about the fans? (Score:1)
As I suppose you know, in his pre-Ziggy, Ziggy, Aladdin Sane and Diamond Dogs days, he showed a remarkable inability to manage himself and had no sense of money. He had delegated every financial aspect of his career to his manager, Tony Defries, and lost lots of money because of this complete desinterest in money. His only goal, at the time, was to become a rock star (and he became the greatest rock star, IMHO).
So, I think that before asking whos he trying to turn on with this?, we should ask what has David to prove ?
Re:Bowie:Linux or Windows? (Score:1)
For the ISP, I'd say he's on Bowienet, that seems a good guess
And finally, I believe David is a mac freak. I've read it somewhere a long time ago, but maybe he ch-ch-changed since.
And of course, we cant forget... (Score:1)
Bowie != Geek (Score:1)
Here just a little insight onto how little Bowie actually knows. About a few weeks ago, on Silicon Spin (ZDTV), Dvorak rounded up the usuall MP3 spokespeople (is anyone else getting sick of seeing the guy from RioPort?). Anyway, in a quote by Bowie, he stated that he was not worried about MP3's, and the pirates screw themselves because "once they download the songs, they can be tracked down in five minutes"
Right, David.......
But where were the tellers? (Score:1)
The tellers from Mars. He played it online
But had to pay the fine.
Became a real crank, created Ziggy's bank
Ziggy gave out loans, screwed up money and screwed up concept
Like some cat from Japan, he could lick 'em by smiling
He could leave 'em to hang
Came on as a loaded man, well hung and snow white tan.
So where were the tellers when we system started to crash
No DSN to guide us,
So we bitched about his rights, and should we crush Ziggy's site?
Ziggy played for time, jiving us that we were voodoo
The kids were just crass, he was the nazz With God given cash
He loaned out way too much but boy he didn't lose his touch
Making love with his ego Ziggy sucked up their money
Like a Judas he sold us
When the kiddies launched their scripts I knew we were dying quick
Oh yeah
Ziggy played bankerrrrrr
I wonder if he'll [bowienet.com] remake Little Toy Soilders [teenagewildlife.com] for Toywar [toywar.com] - JohnyAngel
Re:NEWSFLASH: Bowie OS (Score:1)
i still think tux is cooler
with that in mind, (and with the
ATMs accross the nation would get slashdotted
Re:Bowie:Linux or Windows?... Radiohead (Score:1)
Radiohead... Thom does his own web-site (www.radiohead.com [radiohead.com]).
- - -
Re:it could have been a good post (Score:1)
Don't forget the faculty. Many textbooks are written by faculty. Same faculty make their book req. for the courses they teach, and they get a cut of each book sale.
You don't think the faculty can get by just on their salary, and the sale of ideas and inventions they "borrow" from their graduate (and undergraduate) students, do you?
And while I am on this rant, Think about the contracts some schools push on the students regarding IP. Let's see, you pay the university money to get an education, but you are forced to sign a contract saying that anything you invent while getting your education belongs to the university? Hello?
If the university is going to get ownership of the results of your work, THEY SHOULD BE PAYING YOU!
Some of those books really suck!
Re:If Bowie can do it, how about Cmdr. Taco? (Score:1)
Bowie:Linux or Windows? (Score:1)
What about the fans? (Score:1)
Re:NEWSFLASH: Bowie OS (Score:1)
According to the Whitehouse spokesperson, this measure is to curb thread-space wastage on Slashdot.
"If we don't do this, we are going to end up with Spice OS, Backstreet Windows, PuffDaddix and SySpears " the spokesperson added.
The legislation states that even reporting about these OSes on slashdot carry a mandatory "-1: Offtopic" penalty.
Publicity Stunt? Money as Art? (Score:1)
Then again, this is pretty far out...
I thought it was a joke when my friend mentioned it on IRC...
Now I find out... It isn't a joke...
But I'm laughing harder now than I was then!
Re:I think he's playing with money as an art form (Score:1)
Holy macaroni! (Score:1)
Prolific posting provides points.
I'm a meta-karma-whore. Mark me as off-topic and score big in meta-mod.
Am I doing a bad thing by manipulating the slashdot system? Perhaps I should be less obvious. Woo! woo!
- smurfle the illiterate.
And they're Y3K compliant (Score:2)
Re:NEWSFLASH: Bowie OS (Score:2)
Re:Bowie supports all the old RIAA crap (Score:2)
After reading his articles, one gets the impression that he doesn't recite very often the mantra of "Their job is to make you feel good", as you put it. The element of feedback that is so important to the vast majority of artists seems to have got lost in a sea of business as usual, not in ignorance of the new technology but in active disregard of the calls for change. Of course, Bowie is not the only one that can be accused of protecting the hand that feeds him, but this thread is about him alone.
Hey man, the industry lawyers are tarring those techie upstarts good and proper, so why should I rock the boat when the old system is bringing in those dollars so reliably.
Bowie supports all the old RIAA crap (Score:2)
Yes, he's aware of the new technologies, but he doesn't accept that this means that earlier social relationships should change to match the new possibilities. Watch your back, as he's as likely as not to stab you in the back with an RIAA dagger. I wouldn't bank with him. One should trust one's banker.
Re:Ziggy played guitar (and has low interest rates (Score:2)
Spend your money closer to home (Score:2)
But is he Really TMWRSOTP? (Score:2)
Is David Bowie REALLY the person who fits that description? Yes, he has BowieNet, and now his bank, but on the other hand...
Thomas "Blinded With Science" Dolby runs a little company called Headspace. No, AFAIK they don't make Beatnik for Linux yet, but still, (minor rock star + internet software company) is arguably more wired than (major rock star + minor ISP).
This is my opinion and my opinion only. Incidentally, IANAL.
but *what* picture? (Score:2)
Ah, I see, it looks like they're doing a close-up of his mis-matched eyes: www.bowiebanc.com [bowiebanc.com]
Re:NEWSFLASH: Bowie OS (Score:2)
Except for hardcore jazz fans or computer scientists, nobody really paid attention. The full sources are available at ftp://ftp.concert.ai.mit.edu/pub/concert/src, but nobody so far has downloaded them.
Re:Ziggy played guitar (and has low interest rates (Score:2)
Mr Showbiz story on Bowie Bonds. [go.com] (No, I don't normally read Mr. Showbiz).
Ziggy played guitar (and has low interest rates..) (Score:2)
Encrypted Bowiecash, cypherpunks? (Score:2)
Chaum has been sitting on his license for years, refusing to open it up to others until his company, Digicash, finally went bankrupt and he sold it to Ecash Technologies; if Bowie licensed it from them and started using it, it would be a big step forward for digital anonymous cash users.
For those of you who are unaware, anonymous digital cash has significant consequences [pro-ns.net] for Internet commerce.
Big name, big money, big business. And maybe even crypto-anarchy to boot!
Yet another thing nobody needs ... (Score:2)
Excuse me, but this may just be one of the more ridiculus things I've heard in a while. OK, I (grudingly) accept the fact that we live in a society where we have Michael Jordan Sneakers, Spice Girls play dolls, 100 different Star Wars items, Rolling Stones and Pink Floyd endorsed cars (VW), and a lot of other bullshit.
Now we have David Bowie opening a bank. Come on! And there's a press release claiming that he has a passion for something. Well yes: His passion is milking his fans (or people who just happen to recognize his name/face) for even more of their money than they already gave him.
You want to be an artist? Stay an artist and try to produce something worthwhile. You want to be commercial whore? Fine, be that but don't pretend you're an artist. You can't be both. Stick to something you know, something you're good at. No, marketing your name does not count. Producing great art might. I guess the great irony of our age is that this bullshit actually seems to work: Why else would companies be doing it? Which in turn doesn't say much good about the average person's (the part of the population that goes for these items) intelligence.
I'm ranting; I'll stop now
What is really is? (Score:4)
I think he's playing with money as an art form (Score:5)
NEWSFLASH: Bowie OS (Score:5)
According to industry analysts, the 128 Bit operating system is bound to pose a strong challenge to other operating systems such as Windows, Linux and MacOS.
"People worship me for my music, and people worship Linus for his OS system " David said, "But now they will worship me for both"