We are an online service company for the tourism market (TourisTech), with more than ten year experience. With our digital innovation and "know how", we are committed to improving the performance of businesses in the tourist sector. Bookipro solutions enable our clients to grow using the most current technology and tools that are tailored to their needs. Our PMS solution for vacation rentals has been in use for more than ten years. It started out as a personal project of one of the largest VR (Vacation Rentals) companies in Spain. Now, it is a standard product. Bookipro understands all your problems. We work with over 50 professional property managers and you, our clients, and partners to create the best solution for you. It doesn't matter if you rent apartments or villas, or rural homes, or campsites, bungalows or buildings, or mobile homes, igloos, or boats or car parking lots. You can also rent 4 to 4,000 properties.