Intelex delivers a unified software system for overseeing Environmental, Health, Safety, and Quality (EHSQ) initiatives. Its expandable platform is crafted to consolidate, oversee, and scrutinize EHS and Quality data comprehensively. The solution works on any device to meet the realities of your workplace.
With Intelex, your organization can:
Elevate your EHSQ program outcomes by supervising workflows for superior performance and command.
Discern patterns and propensities through goal-setting to deepen understanding and improve decision-making in your EHSQ program.
Diminish occurrences and cut down on administrative tasks by efficiently supervising, managing, refining, and extracting insights from your safety data via our intuitive safety software.
Simplify the management and reporting of air, water, and waste emissions, and oversee environmental outputs to fulfill sustainability objectives.
Foster ongoing improvements in quality by seamlessly logging and monitoring all instances of nonconformity within a unified, web-based system. Investigate trends across various departments, sites, or locations.
Intelex can help you manage compliance with international standards and regulations such as: OSHA, WCB, ISO 45001, EPA, ISO