SenseQuiet School Accountant Description
SenseQuiet School Accountant provides a complete solution to manage all aspects of finance at any school or college. To save time, the fee module is integrated with the accounting module. You only need to set up your shift, class (or level), and fee terms. A monthly fee challan for all students will be generated in just one click. It can be printed later as a school fee or bank challan. The software allows you to generate a single challan for more then one month. To collect June-July fees The software allows you to print the fee receipt and payment voucher. The software allows you to manage your fees and also has the tools to manage other accounts, e.g. bank, cash, expenses, vendor ETC. To provide you with comprehensive financial statements, SQ school accountant automatically maintains fee receivable and penalty accounts. Balance sheet, profit & Loss, Trial Balances, ETC.
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