Use the language you already love to prototype ideas quickly, develop production-ready communications applications, and run serverless applications on one API-powered platform.
Twilio is a single fully-programmable platform with flexible APIs for any channel, built-in intelligence, and global infrastructure to support you at scale. Quickly integrate powerful APIs to start building solutions for SMS and WhatsApp messaging, voice, video, and email.
Browse documentation and SDKs in multiple coding languages, including Ruby, Python, PHP, Node.js, java, and C#, or jumpstart your first project with our open source code templates to quickly build production-ready communications apps. Consult our community of over 9 million developers for guidance and inspiration on your next project. Sign up and start building today.
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Google Cloud Run
Fully managed compute platform to deploy and scale containerized applications securely and quickly. You can write code in your favorite languages, including Go, Python, Java Ruby, Node.js and other languages. For a simple developer experience, we abstract away all infrastructure management. It is built upon the open standard Knative which allows for portability of your applications. You can write code the way you want by deploying any container that listens to events or requests. You can create applications in your preferred language with your favorite dependencies, tools, and deploy them within seconds. Cloud Run abstracts away all infrastructure management by automatically scaling up and down from zero almost instantaneously--depending on traffic. Cloud Run only charges for the resources you use. Cloud Run makes app development and deployment easier and more efficient. Cloud Run is fully integrated with Cloud Code and Cloud Build, Cloud Monitoring and Cloud Logging to provide a better developer experience.
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Powering next-generation microservices. PHP's coroutine and fibers API makes it easy to build high-performance, scalable concurrent TCP, UDP Unix Sockets, HTTP, GRPC, HTTPS, GRPC, TCP, UDP services. PHP fibers and coroutines will help you create your next scalable async app. Swoole, compared to other async software or frameworks such as Nginx Tornado and Node.js is a complete solution with built-in support of async programing via fibers/coroutines. It also has a range multi-threaded modules (HTTP Server, GRPC and process pools) as well as support for popular PHP clients, like PDO MySQL, Redis and CURL. You can use the fiber API, coroutine or sync API to create applications. Swoole increases the efficiency of PHP applications, and allows you to move away from the traditional stateless model.
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Spring Boot
Spring Boot makes it easy for you to create standalone, production-grade Spring-based Applications that can be "just run". We offer an opinionated view on the Spring platform and third party libraries to help you get started quickly. Spring Boot applications require minimal configuration. Production-ready features like metrics, health checks and externalized configuration are required. To simplify your build configuration, provide opinionated'starter" dependencies. When possible, automatically configure Spring and third-party libraries.
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